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Vol. 1 Sidestory

Released: 10/08/2023

Translator: Ziru

Volume One


Elinabelle Vonrod. A knight of the Kainzbern Empire. However, she wasn't just any knight.

Her father was a third-class baron with Elinabelle herself also holding the title and status of a third-class baroness.

First-class barons and second-class barons were typically members of the royal family or came from families with some connection to the royals. Therefore, to all other nobles, this rank practically sat at the pinnacle.

Moreover, blessed with exceptional magic and martial talent, she became the symbol of the empire's martial prowess and earned the title of its strongest knight, even being counted as the fifth seat among the Empire's Twelve Luminous Knights.

Although she currently served as the chief official in charge of maintaining peace in the eastern part of the Imperial Capital, not too long ago, she was swinging her axe on the battlefield.


Being of high rank and among the strongest warriors, she believed there was no one who could match her, either in power or by force. Of course, there was the first seat among the Twelve Luminous Knights, a knight who was truly the strongest in every sense.

"Haah… hn—!?"

However, looking across the entire empire, there were few who could hope to rival her. Especially not a mere commoner without magical abilities. She should never fall behind such a person. It shouldn't happen. But…

"I-I'm… cumming… Ahhnn—!"



Ten days prior, Elinabelle had been violated by an unremarkable commoner, and she was deeply inseminated by him.

It was her first sexual experience, her first time having a man ejaculate inside her. It was her first time for everything.

She knew that one day, for the sake of producing an heir for her family, she would need to engage in such an act. However, she felt that she was not yet ready for it.

But by the time she realized, she was being ravaged by a phallus far larger than she had imagined possible, and moreover, she couldn't put up a significant resistance. Her inexperienced, naive womanhood was thoroughly assaulted.

To make matters worse, despite it being her first time, it felt incredibly good. In her entire life, she had never experienced pleasure that surpassed that moment.


She wanted to experience that pleasure again. She wanted to feel good. She wanted to climax fully.

After her intercourse with Touya, Elinabelle began to have a profound interest in sexual pleasures. Nowadays, she would masturbate three times a day.

However, no matter how many times she tried, she couldn't reach the same climax as she did with him.

"Haah, haah…"

She removed her fingers from her wet slit. Her fingers were soaked in her own juices.

(Despite being this wet… and it certainly feeling good… why…)

Why couldn't she climax like that time? She remembered the man's words.

"My cock can satisfy you better than anyone else in the world. No, I'm the only man who can truly satisfy you."

"No matter what you think, your womb is craving my dick!"

"But now you see, right? I'm the only man in this world who can truly satisfy you. But to think you could climax this much during your first time, we really are a perfect match!"

"… …!"

She remembered every word and felt her face burn with embarrassment.

However, it was also true that she finished from his manhood. And, indeed, she hadn't experienced pleasure greater than what he gave her since.

(Ahhh, it's impossible…! For someone such as me, a high-born noble, to have become a body that can't be satisfied without that man…! That the body of someone like me, born to high nobility, is compatible with a mere commoner…!)

Why did she let herself be taken by him that time?

No matter how many times she recalled it, she couldn't understand her actions at that moment. But indeed, she…

(That time… for some reason, my pussy throbbed uncontrollably… While he was licked my feet, I… I wanted… him to take me…)

Thinking about it calmly, it was inconceivable. For an unmarried noblewoman… and especially a high-ranking one like her to even consider premarital relations.

Yet, for some reason, the desire to be intimate was overwhelmingly strong.

(Afterwards, I had to clean up the room by myself and he'd disappeared, leaving only his clothes behind…! I just don't understand anymore…!)

The undeniable truth was that she had been taken, deeply inseminated, and introduced to the carnal pleasures of the flesh, resulting in the loss of her virginity.

Now, Elinabelle's body was capable of conceiving a child. Honestly, she was filled with anxiety about whether she might be pregnant after that encounter.

Despite telling him to pull out, he had ruthlessly penetrated her to the very depths of her womb.

And the moment he released inside her felt the best. So much so that she couldn't move properly for a while.

"… … … …"

Elinabelle wiped herself clean, readjusted her underwear, then tidied up her clothes and fixed her hair.

Today, she had to head to the castle to attend a meeting.

(A-Anyway, I have to… see him again…!)

She hadn't thought about what she would do once they met. She herself wasn't even sure of what she truly wanted.

Elinabelle was conflicted about how to face Touya, the man who had taken her for the first time. She hadn't come to terms with her feelings yet.




"… And this makes the fourth case this month."

"Two in the east and two in the west, huh?"

Elinabelle was participating in a security-related meeting in the Imperial Capital. Currently, they were discussing a recent incident occurring within the capital.

(A series of murders targeting imperial soldiers… Each victim was found sliced in half, suggesting a high likelihood that they were the work of a single culprit. And if we think of someone who would deliberately kill soldiers in such a manner…)

The one who spoke up was a woman with lilac-colored hair tied up. She wore a dress that accentuated her ample bust, drawing the gaze of the male attendees. In fact, her cleavage was plainly visible.

"Most likely, it's the work of the rebel Alcrom Avarfar. After all, he wields one of the Imperial Phantom Artifacts, the Mechanical Greatsword Laidell…"

The woman's name was Anberta Malvern. Holding the eighth seat among the Twelve Luminous Knights of the empire, she was considered one of the strongest knights, similar to Elinabelle. She was also responsible for maintaining security in the western part of the capital. Anberta continued speaking with her eyes still closed.

"He… harbors deep hatred for His Majesty. Committing these murders in a way that clearly identifies him is probably his way of sending a message to the Emperor."

"So, the previous reports of Alcrom sightings…"

"Were indeed accurate."

"The 'Armorslayer' Alcrom… To think he'd infiltrated the capital…"

The current Kainzbern Empire was in a state of civil war, with the sons of the previous emperor vying for power. While the elder son, Aarlankz, commands the Twelve Luminous Knights, his younger brother, Yugdvaarn, has many capable individuals on his side. Regardless of rank, if they possess the skill, even a low-ranking noble or a commoner would be appointed.

(All of the Twelve Luminous Knights are high-ranking nobles… But there are definitely those with exceptional skills among the common folk and lesser nobility as well…)

It's commonly believed that the strength of one's magical power is largely inherited from their parents. Thus, high-ranking nobles tend to produce offspring with strong magic. However, this doesn't mean that all commoners or low-ranking nobles possess weak magic. Among them, some rarely possess magical power rivaling that of high-ranking nobles.

But over its long history, the empire had fostered structures and vested interests primarily benefiting the high-ranking nobility.

In a way, the Twelve Luminous Knights of the Empire represented an entrenched privilege, monopolized by the high-ranking nobility.

Even if a noble or commoner possessed exceptional abilities, if they come from a lower-ranked family, they weren't properly acknowledged, and it'd be difficult for them to penetrate the established framework.

Among the lower nobility, there were those who surely felt resentment about this. Among the commoners, some must wonder, "With such talent, why can't I be a noble?"

Yugdvaarn, the leader of the rebel army and younger brother of the current emperor, valued such talents greatly. Alcrom was one of those such individuals.

"Elinabelle, do you have any opinions on this?"

With her eyes closed as usual, Anberta turned to face Elinabelle.

As unsettling as ever… Elinabelle thought before responding,

"The rebels' movements aren't new. It's just that this time, Alcrom is involved. And the fact that Alcrom, a general of the rebel army, is in the capital presents an opportunity for us."

"… And that means?"

"It's obvious, isn't it? We find him and eliminate him. If left unchecked, it will only cause unrest among our soldiers."

In terms of territory, assets, and resources, the forces of the current Emperor Aarlankz were by far the most significant.

However, they hadn't unified for various reasons and always played catch-up to the rebels.

Moreover, the morale of the rebel army was notably higher. Aarlankz wasn't particularly popular to begin with—there had even been cases where low-ranking imperial soldiers leaked information to the rebels.

If the Alcrom situation was left unattended, it could create even more defectors. As an imperial noble and as the one in charge of the capital's security, ignoring this isn't an option.

"If it truly is Alcrom, there are few who can face him one-on-one. But I can easily defeat him."

"Aren't you underestimating him a bit?"

"Excuse me? Is the eighth seat is trying to question my capabilities?"

"… … … …"

A tense atmosphere enveloped the conference room. However, unperturbed, Anberta continued speaking—

"How do you propose we find a single man in this vast capital?"

"Why not use the daughter of the Fimirun family?"

Elinabelle's nonchalant response prompted another man to react.

"The Fimirun's…? I don't think her abilities are as convenient as you make them out to be…"

"I don't know about that. But hasn't she predicted severe incidents in the past? Isn't it slightly better than increasing the patrol soldiers and running the risk of more casualties?"

"… … … … … …"

Elinabelle's suggestion was not exactly grounded in reality. However, there was indeed a risk associated with increasing patrol soldiers.

Taking that into consideration, Anberta nodded in agreement.

"First, we should check with Filmeria Fimirun to see if she can indeed predict anything. Then, as members of the Twelve Luminous Knights, Elinabelle and I will actively patrol the capital ourselves. We should instruct the soldiers to inform us immediately if anything arises… Does that sound reasonable?"


Although Elinabelle found Anberta's commanding presence in the meeting irritating, she refrained from further comment. Her mind was elsewhere.

(I need to… I need to finish this meeting quickly and return home. I want to… masturbate in the bath…!)

The empire's strongest petite noble knight, Elinabelle, was currently infatuated with the newfound pleasures of her body.

End of Volume One

To Be Continued