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Vol. 2 Ch. 3

Released: 06/05/2017

Translator: Ziru

Volume Two


Another location, Ilya's room.

As soon as Ilya sat down, Helly, a woman sitting on top of a cushion, changed her legs into fins, proving that she was a Mermaid.

Who was the Siren? A winged mermaid that controlled the waters around Akradist and its sole island that peaked through the ocean's surface. She was also the queen of Mermaid Island.

Helly had slipped into the evacuees heading to Lunéville in order to deliver a message to Ilya.

Originally, mana could only be recovered by absorbing magic source. However, because Mermaid body fluids have the effect of instantly recovering mana, they sold for quite the hefty sum as miracle drugs.

Although the organizations that had managed those drugs were currently silent due to Ilya and the Siren having destroyed them, there were many people whose eyes lit up in greed upon seeing a Mermaid, so it was a matter of course that she had slipped into the crowd and hid.

Seeing as her gaze was downcast, it appeared as though she was thinking about something.

"I wanted to visit you as soon as I could, but there were so many eyes on you, Ilya-sama…"

By that, she was referring to the Branch Vice Manager and his subordinates.

The cause of that was Ilya herself.

"For you having to come despite the dangers, I am very sorry."

"D-don't be absurd! Ilya-sama is forever beautiful…!!"

Having the trait of loving anything beautiful—be it a man or a woman—Mermaids would capture things they were fond of. Although they were similar to Dragon God Jean in this respect, the strength of their virtue behind it was entirely different. It was out of love, adoration, and affection.

As a beautiful elf, Ilya, made by a god so as to be loved by everyone, was naturally no exception to this.

"The public duty among the Miko has become a great competition this time. Everyone, every single person, wants to have at least one glimpse of Ilya-sama—"

She was rather fond of Ilya, so her being so talkative in front of her was understandable.

However, considering the fact that the girl had taken a risk to come to a human settlement, it wasn't as though Ilya could listen to her talk forever.

"I'm also glad that we could see each other. You said that your cherished compatriots had sent you, so I feel as though there is some pressing matter? May I ask to hear your message?"

"Ah, y-yes!!"

Saying that, Helly took out a harp that was made out of a hard, transparent material that looked crystalline.

By putting mana into its sound through the use of the [Performance] skill's derived skill, [Playback: Sound], to create another person's voice, the harp played the Siren's voice.

[Heya Ilya-chan, long time no see! You doing good? I am~. Being queen is hard!]

If one were to speak of another Mermaid trait, it would be that they were avid gossipers. They were almost only ever silent when they were listening to someone's song.

When Ilya began to regret remembering that so late, now that they'd gotten down to business, Helly's expression changed slightly.

[Right, you might already know, but the monster in Akradist's waters right now… isn't actually a monster. She's a divine beast. You know her too, it's Hamut-chan.]

Hamut-chan. This was the nickname Ilya had given Bahamut, a hatchling Leviathan—a scaled lord of the seas.

Although another piece of Ilya's black history popped up, this wasn't the time to say anything about it.

No way… another Evil God?

Thinking that, the girl's conjecture was cast aside by the Siren's immediately following statement.

[That child accidentally bit the World Tree at the bottom of the sea, so now it looks like there's some ritual item piercing the inside of her mouth. Right. It's like that irritating feeling you get when there's a fish bone stuck in your throat!]

It was a bit disrespectful to Helly who was performing with a serious expression, but Ilya's tension had already vanished. Adding in what she was told, she felt it was the Siren's fault for using such a strange example.

Above all, her complete lack of malice was the reason she couldn't handle it.

[We managed to calm her down somehow, but she'll fly right back into a rage if anyone gets close to her so it's really bad. And now there's been other people coming around irritating her!]

Those other people were probably the subjugation parties.

Because Akradist had judged her to be a normal monster, it was natural that they would have eventually sent out a considerable amount of forces to subjugate it.

Right as she thought that—

[So Ilya-chan, please. Help that child. No… please, lend us your power.]

Different to how it had been thus far, the harp played an earnest voice before its performance ended.

Honestly, she couldn't handle it because she did things spontaneously.

Helly looked fatigued after her performance, so Ilya handed her some water. When the girl looked up to Ilya as she accepted the glass, her eyes were virtually pleading her. She probably wouldn't be able to get anything down her throat until she heard Ilya's answer.

Therefore, Ilya spoke to the girl.

"I have received her request. I will provide my utmost help."




Not long after that, the arena was completed.

There weren't any furnishings or equipment installed inside it yet, but just seeing the facilities alone was enough to bring not a small number of tourists.

Not minding those people, a youth went straight to the branch and opened its doors, walking in.

"I'm here to pick him up!"

Among the many people surprised at the momentous appearance of the youth, a single person was particularly astonished.

The person the youth was here for was someone who was still given the cold shoulder by Ilya each time he tried talking to her and who was doing his best at venting his troubles by playing board games, the Elder.


What Ilya had prepared to finally get the Elder to leave was York's arrival.

Setting aside the trembling Elder, York walked straight over to Ilya and bowed briefly.

"Ilya-sama, despite being nominated directly, I was delayed… this York has no honor."





It felt like York's attitude had grown even more formal than it already was.

(I wonder if something happened with the Water Dragon? It'd be great if it didn't inspire him to do something strange.)

Not noticing that Ilya was thinking about something like that, York single-mindedly apologized and repented.

"—I will accept any punishment."

"I don't intend to punish you, but I do have a favor I'd like to ask."

The Elder and York both looked surprised.

They were different flavors of surprise—one was of suspicion, the other of delight.

Not minding the two, Ilya took a commission chart down from the bulletin board.

The commission had been issued by the Eredist Branch located in the eastern part of Akradist. Its contents were to subjugate a giant monster raging about in the Foad Sea.

Spirits were the attributed elements that existed all over the world, but contrasting those existences that changed into living things after receiving Spirit Source—the origin of life—a Great Spirit was something given life by a Crystal Pillar producing and releasing its attributed element and was an existence closely related to the world's foundation.

Even a Divine Beast that was at the summit of all that lived within water would be unable to do anything with water against Undine, an existence that could be said to be the very water itself.

Another thing that would be necessary would be enough power to stop its massive body.

"Gabriel, Partia."

Calling those two, Ilya showed the commission chart to the three of them. Although the Elder was acting selfishly before, he couldn't misbehave so imprudently before York and was currently behaving like a meek lamb.

"Would you three please accept this commission?"






The only person unable to understand what was happening was Partia.

Although Gabriel and York agreed, it wasn't as though she wouldn't still explain.

Not yet completing the registration, Ilya took the three to a private room on the second floor to explain the contents of the commission to them.

"There is currently a monster causing damage in Akradist, but to be exact, it isn't a monster. It is a Divine Beast."

""" !! """

Although the three had all been surprised, Ilya decided that their reaction wasn't out of being unable to understand but rather because they grasped just how weighty of a matter it was, so she continued on.

"Consequently, what I would like to ask of you three isn't to subjugate it, but rather to protect it. After talking with a mermaid that lives in the waters nearby, I've come to learn that the Divine Beast means no ill will. It seems that the cause of its unrest is due to a Sacred Tool being stuck in its body."

"I see. The sea… so Undine's power could be demonstrated to the maximum in water."

Nodding in response to York's statement, she was hoping for Undine's direct assistance.

[I give my consent, oh Child of God.]

—she ended up receiving it all to easily.

Ilya thought that she would be belittling the importance of Undine and York's hierarchical relationship by asking directly, but she failed due to the Great Spirit's total loyalty to her.

Even if she tried admonishing her here, there was a good chance that it would only cause unnecessary troubles.

"Thank you."

Bowing, Ilya then turned towards Gabriel and continued talking.

"Gabriel, please stop the Divine Beast's movements."

"… Alright."

Gabriel hesitated just a little.

As a part of the Demon God's family, Gabriel had become extraordinarily strong through the grace of his demon elements.

The sheer amount of things that he'd accidentally destroyed with his strength wasn't small, so his hesitation sprouted from generally not using it against things that he didn't deem an enemy. That's why, even though he'd taken a decent number of subjugation commissions while he'd been in Lunéville, not a single one had been one aiming for a capture.

His feelings on the matter was something that Ilya, who'd roamed around looking for a way to suppress her power, was able to understand well.

"Partia, please use your magic and sacred magic to heal and strengthen the Divine Beast."

"Kay, will do—… huh? Umm… you said you want me to strengthen it?"

Not just Partia, but Gabriel and York looked similarly perplexed.

As for why they were perplexed, the reason was that even though it was true that they'd be protecting it, restraining a strengthened opponent was difficult.

Taking their surprise as a natural thing, Ilya explained her thoughts.

"I want you to increase the Divine Beast's strength after figuring out the difference in its strength and Gabriel's. You should know about Gabriel's strength the best and you are the only one who can see through the Divine Beast's strength."


Given how Partia's tone was weak and how she was looking down, she probably felt pressured.

"Gabriel will be doing his best to adjust the amount of strength he uses as well, you'll be fine. Just think of it as insurance in case something goes wrong, alright?"

"… Partia. I believe in you, so believe in me as well."


Ilya smiled at the fairy that now looked noticeably energetic.

(The power of love is great ☆)

The last remaining problem was the Sacred Tool stuck in it, but considering that Bahamut's god elements were weaker than its parents, that wasn't something to be so careful about.

She judged that since its god elements' rank were low, it would be unable to use the original method of using the Sacred Tool… that is, since Bahamut's elements were ranked too low to invoke its ability of interfering with information itself, it wouldn't have the ability to interfere with these three.

Assuming they agreed to go, Ilya turned back to York to recap.

"Partia will be support and both Undine and Gabriel will restrain the Divine Beast. York, you must retrieve the Sacred Tool."


Finished with confirming what the commission entailed, she received the three's registration cards and registered their acceptance.

Fortunately—and possibly due to the chaos having not yet reached it—the subjugation commission hadn't yet been accepted in Akradist's guild.

"Here are your registration cards."

[Miko-sama, what should I be doing?]

[Please be Gabriel's support, Gnome.]

With that, she suddenly had an idea.

[Also, take care of the Sacred Tool's burial.]

[Are you sure?]

Hearing Undine's voice, she nodded.

"Please sink that Sacred Tool down to the bottom of the sea."

Sacred Tools were things that the ancient gods'… the plethora of Beast Gods', Bird Gods', and Fish Gods' corpses had transformed into. Many Sacred Tools could be found within timeworn ancients and altars, places where they had died, withered, and where their God Elements had merged with other Elements.

If they didn't feel like coming out into center stage, it would be better if they just slept quietly.

That this was merely her own arrogance, Ilya knew all too well.

"Since there is nothing concerning the Sacred Tool contained within the commission, you may handle it at your own discretion. However, please do not forget the influence a Sacred Tool has."

Not just York but even Gabriel and Partia nodded solemnly in response.

As far as Ilya knew, there were fewer than ten people born with a mutation to carry God Elements other than the Dragon and Demon Gods' families.

Nevertheless, most of them were either persecuted due to the eternal life God Elements bestowed, had long since lost interest in worldly matters, or were strong individuals who merely wished to see the world burn.

There were many peerless abilities contained within the various Sacred Tools. One could manipulate the weather without even needing to use mana, one could generate ten thousand blades with the wave of a hand, one could attack while disregarding their target's physical defense and skill assistance… even if they held a restriction in that they could only be activated by a specific rank of God Elements, their capabilities were beyond dangerous enough to allow to be used.

In contrast, Ilya knew of a person named Orion. He was a beastkin that mutated the ability to have God Elements, an unusually rare type.

Setting aside the matter of dealing with them, now that the first part was done with, they met up with Helly, who she'd had meet with them outside.

When she introduced her to the three people that would be her guards, Helly only displayed a small amount of confusion.

There weren't many of them and neither Gabriel nor Partia had the look of a fighter, it was to be expected. Although Ilya thought that was why, the reason she was dissatisfied was something else altogether.

"U-umm… Ilya-sama isn't going to come with me…?"


Thinking back on it, she certainly gave off that kind of feeling with how she spoke.

"These people here are friends that I trust. If it weren't for them being here, I would be going as well."

"… Is that, so…?"

Her dissatisfied expression hadn't gone away.

"Like how Siren relied on me, I trust their power and will be relying on them. Although it won't be my direct power… I believe that knowing them can also be considered a kind of strength. Is it that you are unable to believe in those that I do?"

"Eh? Ah, no! Of course not!"

As Helly said that, she couldn't see how to get rid of her dissatisfaction.

What was she dissatisfied about? Thinking about that, Helly looked away from Ilya's gaze with red cheeks.

"… Umm, when I heard that Ilya-sama would be accompanying me, I was so happy…"

(So that was it~)

Understanding the problem, Ilya couldn't help.

"I am sorry that I am unable to meet your expectations."

She preferred women rather than men, but she didn't intend to leave for that place.

Seeing Ilya bow to her as she spoke, Helly panicked.

"Not at all! Just, she didn't say it outright, but Siren-sama was hoping to be able to see you…"

She didn't appear to be over-embellishing.

Ilya felt that the most peaceful way to use the Crystal Pillar of Wind sealed in her room that she'd gotten from Nina and the others as the reward's compensation was to put it to use on Mermaid Island, which had no barrier. She'd intended to have it delivered, but it might be better for her to take it there herself at some point.

Thinking about that, she paid attention to not promise something she couldn't do.

"I'd love to listen to all of you sing again."

"We'd love to!"

Helly brought her face closer to Ilya's. Her eyes were scary.

Pulling back a little, Ilya handed an envelope over to her.

"Sorry, but could you please deliver this letter to Siren instead?"

"C-certainly! Even if it costs my life, I'll—"

"Please prioritize your life."

She felt that her thoughts hadn't been conveyed properly.

Nodding, Helly felt slightly discouraged, but managing to pull herself back together right after, she looked up to Partia and the others and bowed to them respectfully.

"Then, again, everyone. I am Helly, please allow me to guide you on your way to Bahamut."


"Please treat me well."

"I'll be relying on you."

Their unexpectedly dispirited responses made her anxious.

However, not showing her anxiety in the same way as Ilya did, Helly smiled at the three of them.

"No no, I should be saying that to you all, please treat me well on the way to Bahamut. I'll be returning directly to my home after bringing you all to Bahamut, so I cannot accompany you on your return trip, my apologies."

"… Could I have a moment?"

Once everyone nodded to show their consent, Ilya spoke.

She wanted to tell them to not say Bahamut over and over, but her purpose for speaking was different.

"Partia, Gabriel, please escort Helly."


"Helly, even if you made it here, it should have exhausted you considerably."

As for what was exhausted, it wasn't just mana, but her vitality and endurance as well.

Although mental fatigue wasn't a status, it was an important factor related to concentration.

"Even if Bahamut were safe, Siren would grieve if anything were to happen to you."

"Ilya-sama… but, the island…"

"Please, don't worry about that. As you can see, Partia is a fairy and came from the country of fairies. Gabriel knows the island where the demon god lives."

Both of those areas were concealed, separated from the rest of the world.

They were the same as Mermaid Island.

Realizing that, Helly smiled in understanding.

"Could I presume upon your offer, then?"

Seeing Helly bow, Gabriel and Partia nodded back.

"Sure thing."

"No helping it~"

Partia shrugged her shoulders.

"Before we leave, do you have any questions?"

Seeing no one come forth with a question, Helly nodded and turned back to Ilya.

"Well then, Ilya-sama, I must be off."

"Alright. Take care of yourself."

Just before Partia and Gabriel turned to leave, Ilya stopped them. Helly was already somewhat away from them, so it should be alright to tell them already. What she was about to tell them was something she didn't want Helly to hear.

"About you being her escort, I've already transferred the money into your accounts, so you do not need to return to report it."

"" Eh? ""

"If you are asked about payment for escorting her to the island, please respond by saying that you did it of your own will."

Naturally, the look of bewilderment didn't leave the two's faces.

They'd been effectively told [You don't need to come back] even though they hadn't gotten their original goal of a hint on the slate's location, so it wasn't unreasonable.

Although it would have been fine for Ilya to tell them everything here and now, she surmised that all of the two's efforts would have gone to waste if she didn't have them be acknowledged by Siren without her own involvement.

If she realized, Helly and the others would feel anxious about Partia and Gabriel and stop them outside the gate.

Although she thought that they would understand she held no malice, she patted Partia and smiled to try and erase a tiny bit of their worrying.

"I'm not saying that you can't come back to Lunéville, so please don't think into it so much."

"Yeah. Partia, let's give it our best and finish this commission right away."

Ilya didn't know if Gabriel understood her intention, but he gave his consent, causing Partia to as well.

They were both skilled, so it should be settled without any other problems popping up.

Concluding as such to herself, Ilya saw them off.

"I truly do wish for your safety in completing the commission."




A few days after Helly and the others' departure.

Just like how not every day in Lunéville was an eventful one, the four's journey went smoothly.

If things continued how they'd been, they would manage to arrive within Divine Beast Bahamut's cognitive range by the following morning.

Thinking about that, Ilya continued her everyday routine.

"Maaan, it's crazy! Isn't it even cooler than Orbwight's old arena!?"

"Right!? Like, it stands out, but it's not showy at all~"

Conversations similar to this one playing our at a nearby table were occurring throughout the town.

The arena was completed just the day before, so it wasn't surprising.

Even so—

"But you know, it feels a bit like the branch here."

"Ah, I get what you mean dude. Like it's calm or something?"

"Yeah, that!"

Being inspired by the branch's construction—a method that had been borrowed from Ilya's previous life—was a miscalculation.

Although it was natural for a receptionist to see it, she stayed away from the completed arena so that she would have nothing to do with it at all.

(I never thought they'd go with the Colosseum…)

It appeared that they adopted the Gothic style for its interior, mixing bright white, blue and scarlet to produce a splendid outer appearance. It was a high-profile construction that set itself apart from the recent trend with its color choices.

"I'm back."

"Ah, welcome back."

Looking up as she gave a reflexive return greeting, she saw Frank.

The folded-up overcoat in his hand was the uniform used for the patrol group (Lunévraus). Ilya knew that he'd gone out for a meeting and training, but he was back rather early.

"Did something happen?"

Her doubt was erased by Frank smiling back.

"No, it's just that I'll be a genuine guard tomorrow on. I was sent back early today so that I could get enough rest."

"It's that time already, is it?"

"The arena finished earlier than expected after all. There are a few other facilities that aren't completed yet, but that's all, so it's more than enough to get used to it."

The arena had five floors in total.

The surface plaza was on the first floor, as well as the commerce facilities. The players' waiting rooms and equipment warehouse was on the first underground floor. Underneath that on the second underground floor was a collection of plumbing and management facilities. Further down was a prison floor that would hold captive monsters.

By the way, it was said to be a monster jail, but through unspoken agreement, it could also be used to imprison criminals.

The difference between this arena and Orbwight's wasn't just its style, but also the ceiling that was able to open and close, allowing for its interior to be protected from various weather conditions. It was also able to diversify into having a maze as well as having underwater battles—something they'd got an idea for from the pool.

The person who'd made it was playing cat and mouse with something.

Since the inner structure was complex enough that it caused people to complain about it, it was a big matter for those who needed to guard inside.

Hearing about that, Ilya suddenly thought of something.

"Frank-san, will you be going on patrol as well?"

"Hmm? No, I will be going about everything at first, but I won't be going on patrol after that."

(Thank goodness…)

Considering Frank and Hector's sense of responsibility, the two of them should have noticed that it would cut down on their time for official business. Ilya didn't want to say anything after it was already decided on, but she was happy that it ended without them being restrained by having to go on patrol so that their burden could be decreased as much as possible.

"Will you be resting in your private room, then?"

"Yeah, I'll do that… I think I'll get up for dinner, though."

"I'll send someone up for you in the case that you don't wake up."

Knowing that nothing would change from their exchange, they still smiled at each other.

"I'll leave it to you, then."

"Yeah. Please, have a rest."

When she saw Frank off, a line of people wishing to accept commissions formed as if they saw a good chance for it.

She thought about it each time she saw a queue like this, but they wouldn't have to wait around like that if they'd just spaced out the time they wanted to accept something.

Maybe it was some psychological thing causing it?

Having finished her reception work while thinking about trivial things like that, Ilya ate with Frank and helped him with his official duties before finally going to bed.


The date changing, it was just about the time people were bustling as much as they would for the day.

A guard standing watch as gatekeeper recognized an approaching caravan.

Although the hustle and bustle of refugees and construction material caravans coming and going through the gate only started several days before, the construction itself helped regain the peace by coming to an end.

The leading carriage coming to a stop, a youth that had been sitting beside the coachman bowed to the guard.

The gate-keeping guard grinned broadly at the charmingly smiling youth with short, red hair.

"So it's you eh, what brings ya here this time?"

"Long time no see, I'm here with a payload for one of the shops opening in the arena."

On the back of the registration card he presented was the expected transport commission mark.

"Yeah, looks good here. Let me check it out."

The red-haired youth had been seen bringing many different loads of goods, so the guards all knew his face well.

Nevertheless, that being the case was no reason for them to disregard the decree the Lord and the Guild Branch Manager put out, so the guard examined the contents of each and every cargo bed.

However, the guard judged that there were so many of them that it would cause a horrid traffic issue if he was too thorough, so he only went to the extent of taking simple glances inside of each.

"I smelled a lot of different things, what kinda shop's your employer lookin' to open?"

"I heard something about a sweet confectionery that uses fruit, maybe you have an idea?"

"… No idea. I mean, seriously. We have that guild branch here, man."

Hearing the wryly-smiling youth's question, the guard couldn't help but return the grin.

For better or worse, the cuisine this guild branch offered was beyond extraordinary. Be it in quality, price, or volume served, it was amazing.

There were many people from all sorts of places coming and attempting to open restaurants due to the town's recent expansion, but it could be said to be a harsh environment to start in.

"I have to stop by the branch, so you'll have to excuse me."

"Yeah, go for it."

In this way, several dozen cargo beds were transported to the arena.

Similar to the gatekeepers, the town's residents were also accustomed to the rush due to the construction rush that had recently completed.

Although there were people who eyed the covered cargo beds, not one held any misgivings towards their contents, nor anyone who suspected anything amiss.

Most recently, things such as plumbing inspection and illumination stone arrangement was being carried out in the arena's interior, so things were steadily advancing towards the facility's grand opening.

Almost exactly opposite the large front gate that faced the main street was a large, transport-use door with three areas set up to be used.

Although there was the transport-use door, there weren't any merchants going out of their way behind the building when it wasn't even open yet. Simultaneously, this also served as proof that there weren't any shops who had gotten to the point of needing heavy machinery installed using those entrances.

However, there were several cargo beds being carried into that delivery entrance.

With his face well known in the area, people didn't bat an eyelash at the sight of him transporting goods inside as they carried on about their work.

Several contractors, a lack of recognition by craftsmen.

Reliance one gained by masquerading a disguise over a long period of time.

The youth utilized them, neither too much nor too little.

"That went pretty smoothly."

"Hm? Yeah, it did."

Hearing the birdkin—one of the coachmen—speak, the red-haired youth affirmed in response with an emotionless voice.

To him, good luck had definitely got them this far, but it wasn't like that was necessary.

However, since it did advance so smoothly, he felt it would be nice for it to keep up till the end.

"Let's go. We wouldn't want to die in a place as dark as this, yeah?"


The birdkin from a moment ago and the other beastkin all lifting the corners of their mouths in grins, the youth left the arena together with the coachmen.

"Hoh, already headin' out?"

The soldier from earlier that morning was still at the gate, recognizing the youth and looking at him in puzzlement.

It's true, it was a little strange to think that someone would want to leave town without taking so much as a short break first.

"I need to be heading out for my next job… can't do much about it."

"Sounds rough."

Exchanging wry smiles, the youth stopped and turned around.

"I hope you live a healthy life."

"Huh? Yeah, you too man."

Leaving behind his usual charming smile, the youth set out.

Unaware of what had happened behind the scenes, the human guard looked away from the youth's back growing smaller in the distance to help a young girl who'd lost her way.



Just around that time, Ilya was brewing coffee after having a meal with Frank on the branch's third floor.

She had her receptionist duties in the afternoon, so she could spend her time until then looking over what was happening on their journey to Akradist.

Ilya saw Frank off as he headed to the arena for his patrol group and retired to her private room to take a breather.

"Now… then."

When Ilya used [Clairvoyance] to check on the four after wondering how they were doing, they were squaring off against a divine beast.

They didn't seem to have any problems and had managed to succeed in restraining it, and it didn't look like there was anything else around them.

(They should be alright…)

Ilya felt relieved.

It was at that moment.


Hearing a hurried knock at her door, Ilya ended her [Clairvoyance] and went to the door.

Rachelle was standing there, her face pale as she gripped on to Ilya's clothes. She was trembling.

"What's wrong?"

"Monsters, at the arena…!"

Ilya doubted her ears.

The monsters were supposed to have been transported over a little later due to the results of those experiments conducted by other villages being released.

Did monsters accidentally end up being brought here by mistake?

Or even if they were in a rush to speed up its completion, there should have at least been some report about it.

Perhaps there was a report of that happening sent to Frank and Hector?

It wouldn't be strange for Ilya, a mere receptionist to have not received a report about it. That's how it ordinarily would have been, after all.

Using reason to hold back her impatience, Ilya was self-aware that her mind was calming down.

"Ilya…! Blair…! Blair, he's…!"

"It's alright, don't worry."

The sight of the two being intimate at the Construction Completion Festival crossing her mind, Ilya could guess what the girl was thinking.

Her beloved person would face the danger known as a monster. Rachelle, a non-combatant, could only imagine that danger as life-threatening.

When she saw a patrol group member who'd come to report that he was waiting for further orders on the second floor, he seemed to be exhausted and was wounded. Was he in a fight as well?


"I apologize for the rush, but may I ask you to report what is happening?"


When his patrol group, lead by Frank, entered the arena, they were assailed by a monster attack.

Unable to let it spread outside into the refugee-packed town, the patrol group was forced to put the arena on lockdown.

He said that the reason he'd come to Ilya was also to request reinforcements.

"Understood. Rachelle, take him to rest on the second floor. Give him medicine as well, alright?"


Treatment through the use of medicine—that is, non-magic—took a reasonable amount of time, so she was half-forcing Rachelle to take a rest as well.

Changing focus, Ilya immediately began to explain the commission to the guild members that were there.

"I believe that some of you may have overheard, but currently, Lunévraus is undergoing a monster subjugation against those that have escaped the competition grounds. I would like to get those who can go as reinforcements to immediately go and get the rest of their comrades to come here. There will be further information given afterwards, but in order to avoid rousing panic, please do not head directly to the arena."

Several people immediately spoke up, followed by them rushing out of the branch calling their comrades' names.

Meanwhile, Ilya headed toward the office.


"I suppose emergency fees will be fine for now?"

"Yes, please."

Although it would normally be necessary to calculate the fees based on the monsters to be subjugated, they didn't know exactly what monsters they would need to expect, so they could only go with calculating that afterwards.

"Should I go and find the trader?"

"If you don't mind."

"How reserved."

Smiling indifferently, Claude left the office.

Not knowing the species of monsters to calculate the fees, Claude had nothing he could do at that point. Even though their current situation left them needing as many personnel on duty as possible due to the excessive number of uncertainties, she felt uneasy leaving the task to Claude, a clerk.



Calling out for the woman who was standing a little to the side, she was responded to in a tone that felt as though she were expecting to be called.

"Please help Claude-san. After finding the merchant's trail, please infer their destination."

"Got it!"

With her running off, it was now Bard's turn to feel uneasy.

The look in his eyes told Ilya that he was itching to run off and do something.

"Bard-san, please help transport those wind stones we used recently."


He was obviously disappointed.

"While you're at it, please make sure to bring them into the arena."


(Wooow, he looks so happy.)

It was a certainty that he couldn't maintain his former physique through acceptance and waiting duties alone. Ilya wondered whether or not she should create some sort of opportunity for the staff members to get some exercise, him included.

While thinking about such an irrelevant thing, she left the office and headed toward the guild members who'd gathered in the dining hall

"Thank you for gathering despite the urgent summons."

"Ya can stop it with the politeness, just hurry up anGEH—"

As soon as a man raised his voice in anger, he got pummeled by those around him before even finishing his sentence. Feeling sorry for the person who must be new to the town, Ilya prayed for his happiness in the next life and decided to ignore it ever happening for the sake of time.

Distributing simplified sketches of the stadium, she explained their strategy.

"First, your top priority is joining up with Lunévraus."

Taking a wind stone that had been packed into a box placed there, she held it up for everyone to see.

"As soon as you do, please distribute these wind stones to them."

"What's that?"

Even though they had been used in the previous game competition, there were few that knew of them, even among Lunéville's citizens.

"These stones have been set so that you can communicate with people over a long distance upon injecting them with mana. Please use this to keep coordinated inside the arena, it is rather large."

The people whose faces Ilya was acquainted with accepted even her outrageous statement with a simple 'that's just how it is'. Due to them being the majority in the crowd, even those who weren't able to accept it so easily just went along with listening to her for now.

"We will be sending you detailed instructions from here. For those who agree to all of the aforementioned commission contents, please allow us to register you."

Finding it too weird, some of the newcomers wound up passing on participating.

Even so, as the number of people who did sign up was by no means small, there were no problems in being able to reinforce the patrol group.

While completing their registrations with Bard, Ilya decided to give him his own instructions.

"Bard, please go ahead of them and give this stone to Frank-san."

"Got it."

"Make sure to keep one for yourself, alright? You might just be the one who will be doing the most work, after all."

Seeing Ilya give him a playful look for an instant, Bard just smiled back noncommittally.

"Whatever you want."

Not saying anything else, Bard concentrated on registering people.

Ilya had had the impression that Bard was an S, but perhaps he was the opposite?


Meanwhile, in a hut along the main road, there was a red-haired youth overlooking his fallen subordinates.

Bright red wine dripped from a strewn glass, spreading blood-like stains across the floorboards.

"Wh… y…"

A beastkin mustered the last of his strength to reach out to the youth. The youth simply stamped down on the hand that attempted to grip his leg.

"Why? Such is the way of things for everything to continue moving smoothly."

Although it was a necessity, even he felt bad for having to go this far.

The youth's goal was to take advantage of Lunéville's new arena and release monsters there, sprouting mayhem.

The first barrier for him was securing monsters, but he was able to complete that rather easily through a collaborator.

The second barrier was ferrying the monsters into Lunéville.

He'd managed to successfully accomplish that thanks to the fact that the youth pretended to be an ever-moving peddler coming in and out of town, as well as the fact that Lunéville's citizens were generally used to peace.

However, he hadn't foreseen that the Branch Vice Manager, someone he'd spoken to about this and that, would suddenly disappear. He'd initially thought that the man's existence was a hindrance, but the fool leaking information about the guardsmen and what was going on in town had turned out to make him a beneficial acquaintance.

For him, someone who was eventually able to enter the town without any hindrances, the final obstacle was to ferry them into the arena, but while all of this was to make it easier for the youth to escape unnoticed, he was ready to release the monsters immediately if he'd been found out en route.

And now, having safely escaped Lunéville, the youth shifted over to dealing with the loose ends.

In this case, that meant having the people involved drink wine that had been laced with poison in order to destroy anything that could connect him to the crime.

Although he'd also planted suicide bomb stones into their luggage just in case anything unexpected occurred, they hadn't detected the poison, allowing him to save on not having to activate the rather expensive stones, so he was happy about that.

Everything was for the sake of constructing a world for humans and humans alone.

"And that's what you lot helped with."

The amiable smile on the youth's face vanished, his face turning into cold indifference as he looked over his fallen subordinates.

They were people who'd grown to resent Lunéville's prosperity due to themselves losing their jobs in other areas of Rondéville.

As far as the youth was concerned, nothing of value was lost with their lives. They'd actually managed to do something helpful by dying for him.

"Goodbye, you unsightly beasts. You'd always wanted to die in nature rather than some dim arena, right?"

A fire lit to battle the cold of winter being left unattended and causing a fire in a hut wasn't so rare.

The youth started to recite the incantation of the only fire magic he could use and—

"Oookay, that's enough."


—was interrupted by a sudden voice.

The youth was surprised by suddenly hearing a voice after not noticing any signals of their arrival, but he quickly managed to recover his composure.

"Th-this place is… I'm sorry. It looks like someone forced them to drink poison, so I was going to lay them to rest…"

If one were to judge the youth on his tone and expression alone, most would have believed the youth's tale.

However, this man… Claude, merely laughed.

"Kukuh, yeah, sure, sure. It loooooks like it."

"… Err, I'm not sure I…"

"I heard everything. Saw it, too. You can drop the act~"

Claude waved his hand at the youth, who'd started attempting to keep up his act, in dismissal.

Seeing Claude act so confidently, the youth let out a sigh and looked at Claude once more.

His eyes were cold, ridicule pasted on his face.

"You're a human too yeah? So could you just not get in my way? If you heard it all, you should get it. I hope that you won't take this the wrong way."

"You know, I can't just overlook what you perpetrated in Lunéville~"

"… Hmph. Even if you catch me, that won't stop the monsters. You should hurry up an—"

—head back to do something about them.

Those words never made it past his lips.

"… What's so funny?"

Because he saw Claude holding his own mouth, his shoulders bouncing up and down.

Finally managing to settle down, Claude spoke.

"Sorry, sorry."

Not understanding what the man was talking about, the youth frowned in bewilderment, but the man didn't seem to be worried at all… rather, his smile seemed to deepen as he continued.

"Man, I didn't think you'd fess up so easy. Thanks for the confession, really. You saved me a lot of time."

"… Tch—"

The youth reached for the sword at his waist, assuming a battle stance.

The distance between them was much too short, so attempting to recite an incantation would give him an opening.

In the instant Claude went for his own sword, the youth's blade went for Claude's neck. However—

"… Wha—"

The one to be surprised was the youth.

He only realized that his target had managed to unsheathe his sword at some point once his own sword was repelled.

However, in the amount of time it took for his eyes to blink once, steel struck steel and sparks flew. The youth's sword was severed practically at the hilt.

"Although you choosing to rely on your sword given the distance… going with a thrust was a mistake~"

The pressure he felt coming off Claude, who was clapping himself on the shoulder with the brunt of his blade, was something he didn't even see coming from strong guild members or powerful monsters.

That being the case, he couldn't see any situation where he could safely escape this man who just kept smiling leisurely.

(… In that case.)

He just had to not run away.

The youth put his hand into the bag at his waist and took out a stone.

The worst possible outcome would be he himself letting out the information he wanted to stay hidden.

The youth had chosen to take his own life.

"Oh come now~"

Before he was able to say the incantation and fill it with mana, the youth's fingers and the stone they were holding were sliced straight through. The fire elements being unleashed by the stone disappeared.


A stunned utterance came from the youth, blood spouting from the stubs of his fingers.

Not yet.

Enduring the chill that assaulted his body and the scorching pain in his hand, he attempted to remove another stone from the bag with his other hand. However, that didn't work out either.

When the youth shifted his attention behind him, he saw someone gripping his arm—a dog beastkin girl.

"Oh, nice, Katie."



The youth tried to shout something out, but Katie gagged his mouth. Given that his bag had also already been taken from him, he no longer had any means to resist.

Claude, who'd caused the youth to faint through a restraining magic normally used by official knights and tied the youth up, turned to see Katie staring fixedly at him.

"… What's up?"

"Claude, strong."

"Mmm… well, I know what it looks like but I was just a bottom feeder in the knights."

Claude said it as a joke, but Katie's gaze seemed to say she wasn't convinced at all.

Katie, who'd belonged to the Thieves Guild, had seen the might of the country's knights and army many times.

Even among them, Claude's strength seemed to be rather high.

"… So, why did you tell me to wait on standby?"

"Hm? Oh~…"

Claude, looking a little hesitant, scratched his head and opened his mouth.

"I don't know what you and Bard have done until now."

"… Mm."

Just by seeing the way they carried themselves and how strong they were, he could tell that they'd done dangerous things.

"But whatever you guys did do, you two are now part of the branch's personnel. You don't have to do things like this anymore."


"You don't have to go back to what you were doing."

Claude looked ahead as he said that, looking as though he were seeing some other place.

The memory playing through his mind was the war that he and Hector had participated in.

Grief bore grudges, grudges invited hatred, people turning inhuman, killing each other.

The reason he'd asked her to wait this time was simply for his own self-satisfaction of protecting someone who'd escaped from that.

Self-aware of that, Claude smiled in self ridicule, as though he were trying to avoid his own dark feelings.

"Whaaat, do I look a cooler now?"

"… A bit."

"A bit huh~"


Seeing Claude smile so bitterly, Katie continued.

"I want to fight too. Same with Bard. Because we, we're part of the team."

They had a right to fight for the place they could belong.

Her eyes shone with strength as she spoke, her smiling face shining with aspiration.

Just then, she lacked any of the fragility she had when she'd first come to the branch.

"… Really? You're strong, Katie."

No, she probably grew stronger.

Katie smiled at Claude, who'd thought that and began to fall into self-hate.

"If we went head on, you'd probably win, Claude."

"Ah, that's not what I meant…"

At a loss for how to respond properly, Claude looked up into the air.

The serene sky seemed to help keep Claude's heart from sinking even further.

"… But alright."

With neither self-hatred nor self-deceit, Claude just smiled weakly at Katie and walked together with her back to Lunéville.


A short while before at the branch's reception, the last of the commission registrations were about to be completed.

"… Finished."

Handing the registration card back to its owner, it was time to commence the operation.

"Good luck."

After seeing him off, it was time for her true role to begin.

Returning to her private room, she soothed Haku who'd woken up and undid her barrier.

By gradually releasing her mana, she magnified the stone's effective range from the branch to being able to reach the general area around the arena.

She breathed in and out, slowly.

By taking very, very deep breaths, she managed to settle herself down.

She was afraid.

Even while self-aware of that tremble-inducing fear, just this once, she didn't want to falter here and regret it later.

Since defeating them herself wouldn't simply end in her regretting it, she would give it her all as her truly final resort so that it wouldn't come to that.

"… Alright."

She used [Presence Inference] to its maximum.

She then used [Detection], a skill that perceived things within its range with its invoker at its center.

Birds, people, things, drifting waves, water droplets hitting stone, each and every leaf on every tree, fallen berries on the ground around trees, people carrying out their daily business… her senses spread out to cover the entire world, acknowledging every object as an object.

Of course, that included every disgusting insect. All of them.


Her body covered in goosebumps and chills running down her spine, a wave of pain assaulted her mind.

(No, I can't faint…!)

She felt nauseous, her body feeling like a weight was holding it down as she wanted to scratch all over more and more.

She held herself back.

"UaaaAAAAaaaH! Ugh, geh, ueeehh…"

Unable to endure it, she cried, snot coming from her nose.

Haku came to lick her face and she held him close. Right now, the only thing that could be with her at full power was this hatchling.

She'd always regretted becoming this ludicrously strong, but right now, Haku's existence there helped her.

"U-uuu, feh—guu…"

She gradually suppressed the skill's power, limiting its acknowledged range to just encompass Lunéville. There was a demon that was at a location close enough to make one wonder whether it was coming to Lunéville or not, but she left it alone since it moved away. Most importantly, she simply didn't have the ability to be concerned about it just then.

There were many new buildings in Lunéville, so there was a considerable decrease in the number of insects about. Thanks to that, Ilya was somehow able to reorder her breathing and check the situation at the arena.

(Had they already been brought in before the arena was completed…? No, perhaps the merchant left them to mutate into those from the start…)

Unable to figure it out through sheer speculation, Ilya stopped her impatient guessing.

The battle was currently at a deadlock, but the ones having a harder time at it were the ones assaulted, the patrol group.

Monsters were waiting to take advantage of the underground labyrinth-like complexity, appearing as though they were enjoying the hunt. Although [Clairvoyance] could allow one to see things from far away, it wasn't suitable for getting a good grasp of three-dimensional layouts, reaffirming Ilya's decision to use [Detection] instead.

If it were her old self, she would have killed them remotely through remote-activated magic. Throwing the thought away, she contacted Bard, who'd went ahead.


[Uooh, ya startled me!]

A familiar voice came from the wind stone in her hand.





"When you arrive at the arena, please descend the stairs that will be at your immediate right… Don't forget to erase your presence…"

[Y-Yeah… is that safe?]

"… Fufu, don't worry."

Because they hadn't used the confusion to turn the other arenas into empty lots.

"When you finish going down them, please turn left at the second intersection."

[Got it… Wait, are you looking inside the arena?]

"… No, I am merely looking at a map. I am making estimates on Frank-san and the others' locations based on where they might be."


She kept track of the time between her responses, making sure that she didn't have any strange timings.

She'd given him the safest and fastest route to Frank as possible from the start.

"Ah, please wait one moment…"

[Huh? Okay.]

Pretending to check the map, she confirmed where the monsters were.

"… I believe I know where he is. Go straight ahead to the next intersection and take the stairs down there."

[Got it.]

As she continued to keep track of the monster's general trend in movement while reviewing Bard's destination, the reinforcements from the guild arrived at the arena.

Temporarily severing her stone's connection to the one Bard held, she used her mana to connect her stone to one of those in the group.

It was hard for her to connect to as it had no mana it it.

"…—… —?"


[Was that the stone!? We can just put some mana into it right!?]

The merit of guesses was something that rose according to necessity, but this time, Ilya was happy for that.

If they found out she could fill them with mana all the way from the branch, that would have spawned too many speculations.

[Reinforcement group here! We've just entered the arena now!]

"Understood… We have received a report from Bard-san who'd went ahead, so everyone will divide into units that will exterminate the monsters on the first floor and units that will transport the stones."

[Understood. What will our compositions be?]

She observed the demons, checking their statuses. There were four species of monsters that had become the source of the mutation: Ronde Red Apes, Raobra Felis, Laoroa Chyroptera and Ronde Glyptodons.

Although they were all species that would normally deserve C-Rank commissions even as a group of monsters, most of them had risen to B-Rank strength due to the mutation.

"Five or so people capable of completing B-Rank subjugation commissions, please provide backup to the rescue team… For the remainder, please split into as many units of three or more capable of handling B-Rank subjugation commissions."

[Understood! Everyone, you got that!?]

[[[ YEAH!!! ]]]

She reconnected to Bard while they were organizing themselves.

"Continue descending to the second underground floor."

[Got it.]

"After that, please follow the outer circumference and proceed to the second intersection."


Meanwhile, the monsters in the basement sensed that the reinforcement group invaded the first floor, so they hastily changed their movements.

They'd intended to try and organize an interception group, but them dispersing their war potential in a situation where they weren't aware of how strong their foes were was an entirely bad move.

(Hey you, stuuuupid, stuuupid!)

She abused them in her mind, but that immediately turned into self-loathing.

She was having to endure disgusting feelings, so her self-thoughts were basically regressing to infancy.

[Ilya, we're done splitting up.]

"Understood… Then I'll confirm each unit's mana, so please give your numbers in turn and state your number."

[Understood. I am the first unit.]

"I have confirmed your mana."

[I am the second unit.]

Excluding the group heading to help out the rescuers, there were five units in all.

When she gave instructions to each of them on where to go, Bard reached the intersection.

[Ilya, I arrived.]

"… Understood. Then please go left from the direction you came. The next intersection is straight after that."

[Got it.]


In a place far from where the fighting was occurring, Claude and Katie had entered the city from outside the gate. They were dragging along a human male.

Having verified their safety, Ilya let out a small sigh of relief and refocused herself.

"Groups one and two, please continue going straight as you've been. You will be encountering the enemy in the next block, so, group three, please make a right turn there and circle back around to pincer them from the rear."

[[[ Understood. ]]]

[[ What should we do? ]]

"Groups four and five will turn right together with the third group and continue straight after taking the immediately following left turn to suppress the monsters there. Groups one through three will then reinforce groups four and five after they are done. Please."

[[[ Understood. ]]]

She had the remaining group, the rescue group, head downstairs using the shortest possible route that wouldn't encounter any monsters.

Immediately after finishing relaying the groups' orders, she began connecting to Bard.

"Bard-san, sorry. I made a slight mistake with your path. Please take a detour to the right to avoid the block immediately ahead of you, then head into the hallway leading to the stairs you passed a little ago."

[Huh? Understood.]

She was thankful that he listened to her, but his crazy obedience to her was scary.

He was progressing without encountering any monsters, did he realize that she knew where they were?

(… Whatever. Thinking's a pain. My brain's fried. I wanna puke!)

A voice from the rescue group brought Ilya back out of her complaining.

[This is the rescue group. We have arrived at the t-junction.]

"Understood. Do you see the door inside the shop to your left?"

[Yeah. I see it.]

"Please go through it and leave through the service entrance."


Bard and the rescue groups were progressing well, but the problem was the patrol group.

Frank and the others were having a difficult time with the mutated leader of a ronde red ape.

Frank had chosen a room with only a single entrance so that it would be easier to defend, so although they'd managed to keep it to a stalemate while preventing surprise attacks, the current situation left no room for Bard to get in.

(… Guess I can't avoid it anymore?)

Losing everything for fear of a tiny loss was putting the cart before the horse.

Having come to a decision after only a slight moment's hesitation, Ilya communicated with Bard again.

"Bard-san, after turning left and following the wall, please throw one of the stones into the third pathway you see."


"Once you do, fill it with your mana and say an incantation."

[No way, I'm horrible at magic!]

"It's alright. You just need to cause the stone to discharge."

[How's that alright!?]

(Yeah, yeah! That's how Bard-san should be!)

Ilya's thoughts aside, these stones weren't cheap in the least, so his reaction could be called the more natural one.

"Please. I understand your concern, but there is a group of monsters there. That stone isn't worth human lives."

[… Understood.]

Meanwhile, the human youth behind this whole situation that made light of people's lives was being subjected to Claude and, having joined up with him, Hector's interrogation.

(Terrorism… as well as a demon making use of the chaos…?)

Human supremacists.

It didn't seem to involve the guild, so it wasn't the thing that wouldn't hesitate to use force against Ilya the Branch Vice Manager had told her to be careful of. In that case, was this one of Reinhardt's spies?

Thinking up to that, Ilya let out a faint sigh. Either way, despite the warning she'd received, his employer, his organization, had brought about this predicament. Ilya, daunted by the goings-on, received a transmission from Bard.

[I'm there.]

"… Understood. Then please repeat this incantation."


The incantation she told him was one to add a setting onto the stone. Although it would activate just be filling it with mana, when you added the same setting as what Ilya added with her mana to allow it to act as a communication relay but with another's mana, the original magic on it would activate and cause a chain reaction.

"—Link the air there and here."

[L—Link the air there and here.]

"By my will, connect our minds—excite the air."

[By my will, connect our minds—excite the air.]

"—Wave Connect."

[—Wave Connect.]

Bard threw the stone the moment he finished the incantation. It hit the ground where the monsters had gathered, producing a high-pitched clanging sound.

It bounce once.


Before it made it to its third bounce, the stone exploded and produced a shockwave.

It wasn't enough to kill the monsters, but it did manage to open up a way to pass through.

"Now, go straight ahead and turn right at the second opening. Enter the room at the end of the passage."


"So that you won't be mistaken as an enemy, please place your stone against the door before you open it."

[… Understood.]

Bard's tension had lowered, the situation itself was progressing well.

Then, while telling the rescue group their route, she considered when she should request for them to retreat and have the first floor's group finish eliminating the monsters there.

The fact that there were few monsters on the first floor was a small blessing as she'd been able to focus on the patrol group.

[Ilya, I'm at the door.]

"Alright. Frank-san. Can you hear me?"


"Yes. Bard-san is in front of the door. Could you let him in?"

[Got it.]

Now that it was safe for him to do so, Bard joined up with the patrol group. Alright she'd be able to put the patrol group's strength to use now, the only one with a stone was Bard. She'd have to have them meet up with the rescue group first in order to have the patrol group split up into several groups.

The first underground floor didn't have many monsters either, so the reinforcement group should be able to manage it somehow.

Amending her plans, Ilya received a transmission from the voice she heard most often in this town.

[Ilya, what should Bard do now?]

It seemed that Bard had handed the stone off to Frank.

Bard specialized entirely in covert operations, so it was a natural decision for him to make after taking his abilities into account.

"Please have him accompany everyone in the patrol group until you meet up with the rescue group."

[Understood… Are you alright? Don't overdo it.]

"Ah—yeah. Thank you for your concern… wait, Frank-san, it's not time to worry about other people."


He seemed to still worry about others even in a situation like what he found himself in.

Refocusing her mind on the matters at hand, she had to prioritize them merging with the rescue group as planned.

"—Please continue going straight ahead."

[Understood, I see them!]

After guiding them to the rescue group, she had the group distribute out stones.

Meanwhile, it was decided that Bard would play the role of a scout.

The purpose of this was to accurately understand the monsters' positions, of course.

[Ilya, can this stone transmit to anyone other than you?]

"Eh? Oh, yes. That is, as long as they're within the stone's range."

Saying that as long as they were within range of Ilya's mana would be more correct.

However, that would destroy the pretext she'd set up by saying they could only communicate with other stones.

But since Bard, as well as Frank who should have been standing just next to him, didn't know much about magic, they didn't doubt her assertion, allowing for the discussion to continue without any further questions.

[In that case, we'll cooperate between ourselves from here on. Don't overwork yourself.]


[We'll come back in one piece, don't worry.]

"… Alright… I understand. Please, stay safe."

As long as the situation doesn't become very dangerous—she added in her mind as she agreed.

(… I don't want to make Rachelle sad.)

Ilya, piling up excuse after excuse, decided to stop thinking about that for now and focus more on understanding what was happening.

She wasn't just trying to understand it, either, as she began also attempting to figure out their objective.

She hadn't used [Detection] until now since it would cause her to sense all those insects—even if just for a moment—so if she missed this chance and have to start all over by perceiving the entire planet, she could easily imagine herself using the experience of having done so as an excuse to not do it again and be forced to use some other means.



"Sorry… uu…"


Given permission to do so, Ilya clung to Haku as though to rely on the young dragon.



Meanwhile, their communications with Ilya done with for now, preparations for a counteroffensive were steadily being taken.

Their eyes all seemed to shine as though wanting to vent their frustration for everything up till this point.

"… Was that alright to do?"

"Hm? … Yeah."

Hearing Bard, who'd been waiting for his orders as a scout, speak, Frank smiled wryly.

"It's just… it's the first time I've heard her sound like she was in pain. I can't make her force herself anymore."

"I agree, but… Ilya's advice is like a guiding star, right?"

Now that he'd said that, it did feel like their surroundings felt more ominous now that they'd cut communications with Ilya.

Was that what happened when you willingly let go of good luck?

"… Worrying about her's alright, but it'll be super uncool if we end up injured now because of it."

"… … Didn't I say it already?"

Mutually exchanging smiles that couldn't exactly be called cheerful, Frank handed Bard his stone back as the scout looked over his equipment one last time.

"We're making it back in one piece."


This time exchanging a smile that looked eager, Bard set out.

Those who hunt and those who are hunted—a fight where the line between those two blurred had begun.

By the time Ilya was able to focus in on objects based on their category, the operation had gone into cleaning up the monsters left in the arena stage.

In the end, the cooperation forged through skill triumphed over one that was brought about by instinct.

As her mind relaxed, Akradist came to mind. She decided to expand her Clairvoyance to Akradist. The amount of information she received was overwhelming, so she filtered out everything aside from Lunéville and Akradist.

After an instant, she returned her awareness. The group she had sent had successfully removed the Sacred Tool from the Divine Beast's mouth, meaning that the problem was resolved.

Meanwhile in Lunéville, another problem came up on the heels of the previous one: the monsters brought to the arena had drawn in the monsters around the area, and new monsters were closing in.


Ilya shot to her feet, trying to chase away the butterflies in her stomach. She walked down the stairs to report the news to Hector, with Haku tottering behind her.

Haku peeked at Ilya's face, trying to make sure she was okay. Ilya broke into a smile, touched by the hatchling's concern.

"I'm fine."


She picked Haku up and walked down the stairs, where she ran into Hector.

At that moment, the last monsters at the arena had been taken care of.

All that was left was to find and take care of any that had escaped the arena.

But taking into account their exhaustion, she decided to count out the patrol group and the transport unit.

Ilya decided to invite Hector to her private quarters on the second floor to discuss the issue.

"The arena has mostly been secured, and all that's left is to clean up the rest."

"I see… and the casualties?"

"There were several injuries of varying severity among the patrollers and the reinforcements, but no loss of life."

Hector leaned back in his chair, relieved by the news.

"I guess that's a silver lining."

"It is indeed."

There there was still much to be done.

Hector's face hardened once more, urging her to continue.

"Right now, there are several monsters headed towards Lunéville."

Ilya took a sheet of paper out from a drawer before writing out which monsters were attacking and what their movements were.

Fortunately for them, the monsters were the slow type and there weren't any villages in their path. That meant that as long as they were prepared, it wouldn't be too hard to deal with the monsters.

Hector relaxed slightly after coming to the same conclusion.

"Perhaps it would be best for us to counterattack only after our preparations are complete so that they don't continue summoning more reinforcements."

"That's true… But even if they call more monsters, it'll take time, and the root of the problem has been taken care of. So now, the priority should be on eliminating the monsters as soon as possible."

"We'd also have to choose the right people."

With the discussion nearing an end, Hector took a deep breath.

There was a tinge of a resigned smile on his face. Ilya wondered if Hector himself realized he was smiling.

"Monsters sure are troublesome things. The more people there are, the more they bare their fangs. They mutate and call more of their kind over. We can't study them in enough detail."

"Yes, they truly are troublesome."

Those were the strengths of monsters, beings designed to be the antithesis of other living things.

But at the same time, without such traits at the very least, they wouldn't be such a menace to life.

"But we can come together to defeat enemies stronger than us. In that way, the whole group is greater than the sum of its parts. That ability, I believe, is a more troublesome characteristic."

Cooperation was what had allowed Lunéville to continue to survive such threats.

"Yeah… that is indeed true. Unfortunately for the monsters that came to save their kind, we are also trying to protect our kind."


How like Hector to put it that way. I couldn't say it better.

A faint smile appeared on Ilya's face.

But on the other hand, a slight disagreement could quickly turn trust and friendship into suspicion and hatred.

If, in the process of figuring out through trial and error, people ended up quarreling, Ilya couldn't just intervene as she did with guild commissions.

I hope they don't do anything rash.

With her [Detection], Ilya had caught a glimpse of what the human supremacists were trying to do. That knowledge led her to make a silent prayer.



On an island in Akradist.

The currents were made to prevent anything from drifting onto the island. In addition to that, there was an illusion spell to conceal the island, and a curse to disorient anything in the air. Lastly, the inhabitants coordinated with the sea creatures to defend the isle.

Ilya and Siren, the queen of the merfolk, had worked together to create a paradise for the merfolk of the island.

Since then, it had been many years since even a single outsider had set foot on the isle.

"Welcome, Partia-sama, Gabriel-sama."

As Siren welcomed them to her domain, the fairy and the demon boy gasped in admiration at the merfolk all lined up in a row. Their feet appeared to double as fins in the water.

Siren boasted dazzling silver hair, and clear aquamarine eyes.

But beyond her physical appearance, the air of majesty she projected erased any doubt that the two stood before the queen of the merfolk.

"She looks like Ilya." 

Gabriel's remark provoked a response from none other than Queen Siren herself.

"I knew it! I knew you were Ilya-chan's friends."


Gabriel let out a stupefied voice, seeing the imposing aura around the queen dissipate in an instant. He looked up to see a slovenly smile plastered on her face.

"Q-Queen Siren. C-Couldn't you just keep it in just for a bit more…?"

"But I don't wanna~! Ilya's friends are my friends too! No way I'll act like they're strangers!"

Deciding he wouldn't be able to convince his pouting queen, the merfolk who appeared to be the prime minister looked to Helly, who was standing near the guests.

Helly nodded in reply, and presented a letter to the prime minister.

When the prime minister saw the signature, she immediately handed the letter to Siren.

"Queen Siren, as had been previously stated, they cooperated to cure the Bahamut, and also escorted your humble subject here. In accordance with the great deeds they have done for us, we must rewar— "

"Ah, wait a minute."

Gabriel interrupted Helly. Partia also stood up from Gabriel's shoulder, her chest held out in pride.

"We're fine! Ilya already gave us our reward!"

"Oh, is that so~?"

The fairy's boisterous remark made Siren bring her hands to her cheeks with awkward smile.

Seeing the clamor arise in her court, she clapped her hands.

"Then let us have a party to celebrate Mut-chan's recovery! How about it, you two?"

"Um, but we were… "

"It's fine. Does Ilya-chan not always say rushed soup makes for a poor soup?"

The two guests could only look back at Siren in confusion.

"Oh? Have you already been to the beach?"

Yet again, no response.

Was this what they referred to as someone going at their own pace?

Unable to turn down the queen's invitation due to the circumstances, the two of them ended up attending the impromptu banquet.

There were fruits and vegetables harvested from the isle and seafood dishes using the merfolk's special techniques and knowledge. Even Gabriel, despite his experience with the most exotic delicacies from all around the world, couldn't find the words to describe how delicious it all was.

Siren had been seated on her throne at the beginning of the banquet, but as the party went on, she ended up singing raucously with her subjects, making her way to Partia and Gabriel.

"Are you enjoying the party?"

"I-It's not bad!"

"Heehee, you look cute even as you pat that food baby of yours."

The queen giggled, dodging the blushing Partia's furious blows. A lively ditty could be heard from the other side of the room.

"If that wasn't able to satisfy you, I suppose there's no helping it…"

The two immediately sensed the queen's change in mood.

Partia didn't see any hostility from the queen, and Gabriel's caution turned into confusion.

Siren smiled wryly at their reactions.

"I apologize for the slip of the tongue. Allow me to thank you yet again for escorting Helly here."

"I-It was no problem at all! Onee-chan paid me to do it, after all!"

Partia responded in a fluster due to the queen of the merfolk bowing to her.

"That is true. That is why, I would like to give you some information."

"" … Huh? ""

Siren looked downwards as she began to speak.

"Deep below, where the light does not reach, there is a temple in the east. Six serpents guard a piece of the seed that dispelled an ancient curse that sleeps inside. That is the legend passed down among our people for ages."

"What does that mean?"

"Hmm… Are you sure you want me to say?"

The impish smile reappeared on Siren's face.

Partia, although irked by the smile, mulled over the words she had just heard.

Where the light does not reach… serpents… temple… an ancient seed fragment… ancient… ancient language?

"An ancient curse, like yours, Partia."

Gabriel noted, calm and collected.

Partia looked back at Siren.

The queen merely smiled back at her, not saying anything more.

So Partia decided to ask a question.

"Why did you tell us that? What do you know about us?"

"Hmm, I wonder?"

Irritation bubbled up at Siren's elusive answer, but disappeared when she saw the letter Siren held up.

It was the letter Helly handed to Siren, so the sender could only be one person.

"What? You didn't have to return it… "

Her voice trembled, as if out of rage. However, it was a different emotion.

Partia suddenly looked up and yelled.

"Next time we meet, I'mma be so big you'll be surprised!"

Her exclamation drew the attention of the merfolk around the halls.

Realizing what she had done, her face reddened again, but for yet another reason. She quickly hid behind Gabriel's back.

Gabriel smiled at how adorably she had acted.

"Do your best."

The sight of the two brought a smile to Siren's face. She could see why Ilya decided to lend them a hand.

Wondering what was going on, the partying merfolk approached Partia, but ended up pushed away by the commotion.

Siren offered to help Partia find the temple the next day, but the other merfolk around her quickly objected. So Siren quickly offered to send other merfolk with Partia, but the fairy declined.

Partia could cast a spell to breathe underwater, and Gabriel claimed that he could spend a whole day underwater if he put his mind to it. Unable to directly support them, Siren made do with giving them hints of where the temple was to at least make the search easier.

"Looks like they've left."

"Looks like it~"

Since the cooperation of the merfolk were needed to leave their island, Siren watched as a few of her subjects pulled the boat, carrying the guests away.



Partia and Gabriel were searching for a stone slate that was said to be in the temple.

They may have deliberated over their intents, but Siren thought it was just like Ilya to always stubbornly let others decide what they wanted to do.

"Queen Siren?"

One of her subjects spoke up, concerned by their queen's distant gaze. Siren turned around and smiled.

"Ilya might be coming to make the barrier, so we gotta do some major cleaning up!"

""" Huh? … Huh!? """

The word cleaning made the merfolk begin to whine. And then, their brains processed the beginning of the sentence.

In part due to the laid-back nature of the merfolk, they were quite willing to leave things a bit messy

However, the overly diligent and cleanly Ilya would most likely to try to clean up the dirty beaches and houses.

That would mean less Ilya had less time to spend with Siren.

One by one, the merfolk began cleaning up. Siren smiled wryly at the thought as she turned towards the sea.

She was no longer able to see the small boat, and could only sense the merfolk she had sent returning to the island.

—I may not be able to promise it, but will try to come.

That one sentence made her heart jump for joy. Making her subjects mad at skipping, she went to clean the remains of the party from the day before.



The chaos had finally calmed down, seven days after it started.

At least, on the surface.

"The human supremacists' goal, you say?"

Frank and Hector nodded at Ilya's question.

The three of them met to discuss future plans in light of the information from the young human they had caught.

According to him, the monsters had begun mutating over the course of a week.

They had figured out from an investigation that reached Lunéville a few days ago that it would be fine as long as they captured the monsters within two weeks, so they decided to re-investigate, taking into account the reason for the discord.

Nine times out of ten, this sort of thing would be the work of demons.

Demons could use [Spirit Sight] to tell who held malicious intent towards whom.

It wouldn't be surprising that they had taken advantage of the young human's emotions.

What she didn't understand was: why Lunéville?

Even though they would be weakened during the daytime when the Light Source was strong, they'd let the monsters go out of control without confirming the result. There was no way the scheme wasn't related to the Evil God.

"Honestly, the supremacists have been becoming more active lately. This past incident was just to create unrest, preventing us from getting the full picture."

Ilya became dejected at the thought of the hassles that were to come. Hector furrowed his brows.

In the end, the information they got wasn't enough to get them to the mastermind, but at least they had a lead to follow.

Ilya tried to think up a way to advise them that fell within the scope of common sense.

"Currently, of all the countries in the world, only the Sacred Reinhardt Empire supports human supremacy."

"Are you saying that Reinhardt is sending terrorists?"

"Not at this point, but… I did hear that they were considering cooperating with the terrorists."

The vice-branch head addressed his superior without a title, but instead as Frank, a sign of their intimacy.

However, from how Frank appeared to be lost in thought, he still kept some of his most intimate thoughts from anyone but Ilya.

Possibly in order to observe Ilya's attitude, the report was full of uncertain points, leaving any course of action as an open question.

"Were they aiming to prevent the guild from gaining power by closing the arena?"

"The more diverse and tolerant countries might have been aiming for the less-established Rondéville… no, that wouldn't… "

Going down rabbithole after rabbithole, the two guild officials went from one idea to the next.

Judging that their discussion wouldn't end any time soon, Ilya decided to pour them some more tea to change the mood.

"Once bitten, twice shy. That's how it appears to me."

Ilya's words surprised them.

It had been right under their noses all along. The two exchanged sheepish smiles.

"That is true. Right now, all we can do is prepare for the worst, and hope for the best."

"Yeah, there's no need to overextend ourselves. We just need the strength to protect ourselves."

Happy that it was over sooner than they'd anticipated, the two officials exchanged strained smiles before smiling properly to Ilya.

Lunéville would be fine between the management of the two of them.

They made her feel reassured.

(… The strength to protect, is it?)

She repeated the words in her head.

"Ilya, could I have a— what's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Ilya smiled at Frank before pouring him another cup.

If demons or the Evil God decided to mess with her town, not even she would keep still.

(The strength to protect… that sounds like a good goal.)

Ilya's smile widened further as she dove into the conversation, taking in the pleasant atmosphere.