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Ch. 12

Released: 04/25/23

Translator: Ziru

The First Town, Solasidor

Making a base.

Karina-chan here! I'm currently shopping!

My budget is two silver coins. I wonder what wonderful things I can buy!



I first bought a used leather rucksack.

It cost me one silver.

… That was half of my budget though?

I bought it so that I could conceal me moving items to and from my storage space, but bags in this world were pretty expensive.

I get that they weren't mass-produced in a factory, so it made sense that it would be expensive, but still. It was pricey even for a second-hand item.

The old shopkeeper said that if it were brand new, it would easily cost two large silver coins. He was good at sales talk, saying that now it was soft and easy to use because it had been used for so long.

Well, I bought one large enough that I could use it as a peddler's bag, so it was probably worth it.

"Wait, now that I'm taking a closer look, it has a hole…"

The corner was worn down, and there was a hole big enough for my index finger to pass through. Hmm, well, it should be fine for putting in large items, but… like… it looks like it'll tear from here and the bottom will fall out?

… Was this bag on its last legs? That's why I could buy it for one silver coin. It was like a junk item.

At least in my case I could just put things in my storage space! I'll just pretend to fill it up a bit as a disguise.

Let's use spatial magic to repair the hole for now. I'll duplicate a five centimeter square of the good leather from the top and paste it over the hole.

That was much easier than attaching someone's arm. It was the same leather as the bag, so the color was the same too. You could just barely make out the outline if you looked closely, but it was a perfect repair.

… Duplicating small scraps didn't feel like much of a burden, so maybe I could reinforce the other parts and make it a more usable rucksack if I had the time.

"Maybe I should consider making a lot of things myself."

It was cheaper to make things yourself, after all. In fact, it was often more expensive to do it that way back in Japan, but it was definitely cheaper to make things yourself in this world. I had spatial magic to help too.

Yep, that's right. I could easily make chairs, tables, and the like by cutting and pasting with spatial magic. If it was wood, I could easily make cups too. I even had the Woodworking skill that Senpai taught me too.

I could made the base of a bed out of wood, so all I'd need was a comforter or blanket to put on top of the bed. Since it was for my own personal use, duplicating things to a certain extent would be fine! I have to limit it to items I purchase though. I shouldn't copy things for free.

"… Let's use the wood I got from the Alchemy Kingdom as my personal wood."

I think I remember something about how wood shrinks and cracks when it dries, so you can't use it as wood as-is?

Well, I could fix whatever happens with spatial magic. I'll just try it out for now.

I could always go to the mountains and cut more if I ran out. It was my personal use stuff, after all. I can do whatever I want.

"Alright, let's check out how much fabric and cotton I can buy with my remaining budget!"

And food. Going without that would just suck.




Cotton was pretty expensive. Hmm, I kinda want to buy a tiny bit and just duplicate it…

On the other hand, I found that I could buy tanned wolf fur at a reasonable price. One pelt cost five large copper coins. It was full of holes though.

… Was something that torn up really something you could sell? Why was it so full of holes? Was it a second-hand pelt?

I decided to ask the merchant Onii-san about it.

"Hey, why is this so full of holes?"

"Oh that? It's because it's a practice piece for apprentices. And there aren't many good quality pelts for apprentices to practice on, so the holes are probably from arrows or something when they were hunted. Well, so long as it's not torn in half, it's better than nothing."

"Ooh, so that's how that works… Can you sell this to me?"

"As long as there's a full animal's amount of it, yeah. Ah, and it's better to have a few holes in it if you're going to use it as a blanket, right? You'd get all sweaty otherwise."

"I see."

At least that's what he said. He didn't have any in good condition, but if he did, it would cost a few silver coins.

Even full of holes, it was a bargain for me.

I could easily repair the holes with spatial magic after all.

"I'll buy one then, some dried meat too. Please give me a silver coin's worth."

"Thanks for the patronage. You're a beauty, so I'll give you a little extra."

"Oh, thank you. You're a good man, Nii-san. I like generous people."

"Heheh, I'll give you a little extra. Come buy from me again, okay?"

Yay, being beautiful is hype.

Still though, things needed to sew up holes like thread, scissors, and needles were pretty expensive. They were all things you could easily get at a 100 yen store in Japan, but since everything was handmade here, it was only natural. If I tried to get all the tools I needed to repair things, it would cost me several silver coins.

In that sense, not needing those tools made spatial magic even more convenient. Divine, even.

"Oh right. Do you happen to know where the church is?"

"Hm? It's over that way. The building with white walls, you'll know soon as you see it."


I decided to stop by the church to greet the Goddess while I was nearby.

I also wanted to give the Goddess her tributestockings.