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Ch. 15

Released: 05/10/23

Translator: Ziru

The First Town, Solasidor

More lumberjacking.

Karina-chan here. Why does it feel like this is the first time I'm eating breakfast in this world?

Well here we are at the third day of me living in another world. (Excluding the tutorial.)

… I'm still on the third day, huh. (Excluding the tutorial.)



Although breakfast wasn't good enough to call it tasty, Sister-san's kindness made me really happy, so it was practically a feast.

"By the way, Sister-san, what's your name?"

"Hmm? I'm Siesta. It's a common name."

I see, Siesta, Sister. They're quite similar, easy to remember.

Siesta-san's kindness made me really happy, so I'll work hard at lumberjacking today too!

With that determination, I headed to the Adventurer's Guild again today.

"Hey, Karina. I heard you were going to lumberjack by yourself?"

"Oh, Blade-senpai. Yep, that's right. Is there something wrong with that?"

"Well, we were thinking of lumberjacking too. We'll help you out. It's tough being on your own, right?"

Blade-senpai smiled, showing his teeth. Shieldon and Sekko were with him.

… If I were to misunderstand him, I could take his request as a parasitic one, but Blade-senpai didn't know that I had cleared it easily, right? He probably had no clue.

He wasn't drunk today, so he wasn't probably just in Helper Mode.

Sorry though, this quest is for one person. (Just me.)

"Ah, sorry Senpai, I'm going to—"

As I started to refuse, I suddenly realized that if these three helped me, we could carry more logs at once.

So I decided to change my plans and try to recruit them.

"I'll do seven, so you guys can do three!"

"Hey hey, shouldn't that be the other way around? I should teach you a few tricks as your Senpai. Lumberjacking can be a pretty good source of income if you do it well enough."

"Yeah, I earned two silver coins after all that yesterday."

"…. Huh? Wait. What? You succeeded? Solo? And two coins… wait, two logs!?"

"Yep. I carried a log on each side and brought them back—like this. Right, Receptionist-san?"

When I turned the conversation toward Receptionist-san, she nodded from behind the counter.

All three of them were surprised.

"Why didn't you tell me!? This is so embarrassing!!"

"The success or failure of a quest is personal information, so the guild can't spread it around, you know?"

"Ah, yeah, that's right, it's personal information…. There's nothing she can do about it, Blade."

"Wow, you were really showing off, huh~? Hilarious."

"Shieldon… Sekko… come on…"

Looks like Senpai was only told that a new adventurer had accepted the lumberjacking quest after I delivered the Slime Cores. I didn't go to the Adventurer's Guild when I delivered them, so there were no witnesses.

"But seriously, that changes things. You don't need our help… hey, how did you do it? Mind if I ask?"

"To put it simply, I used a bit of magic."

"Oh, right. Magic is amazing, huh~?"

He was satisfied with that answer. Blade-senpai's too pure, huh?

"Anyway, I can handle it easily enough on my own, so if you guys help me, I'll do seven and you guys can do three."

"So you don't need us?"

"I mean, I can definitely say you're needed in the whole, 'Hey guys! Can you carry these logs!?' sort of way."

"The heck? Well, whatever. I was planning on helping you out today anyway."

Seriously. Senpai's a really good guy.

"Liar. You're just being pressured by the Shun Lai Pavilion's owner to pay up."

"Nee-san's scary when she's angry. Her tail goes 'whoosh' and shit."

"D-don't say that. What if she finds out!?"

Aah, Harumikazuschi-san? Yeah, no getting away from her.




Senpai and the others ended up helping me with lumberjacking after all.

We agreed on a seven-to-three split as we'd agreed on.

I started to head to the forest as soon as possible.

"Huh, where's your cart?"

"I don't have one…?"

"Idiot, just borrow one—oh, right. F-ranks can't borrow one without an introduction. We can borrow one for you."

Oh, that's helpful. A person can carry one log per arm, so two per person for a total of eight.

"We could load up six logs if we had a cart!"

"Do we really need one though?"

"Why not? I mean, wouldn't it be better if we could do each bring back six…?"

"Huh!? Hold on, how many are you intending to bring back!?"

I dunno, as many as possible?

"It costs one large copper per day to rent a cart… It's not like we can't borrow that many, but would we make enough to cover the cost?"

"No problem!"

"Seriously? Damn is magic amazing."

"Hey hey, Blade. You can't just believe that at face value."

"I mean, Blade, don't you trust Karina-chan a bit too much? Did something happen?"

"Yeah! I spent a little time with Karina at the Shun Lai Pavilion! I'll never forget her performance from that night…"

You saw that? I only know what Harumikazuschi-san told me, so I don't know about the embarrassing stuff…!

"She's a woman you can trust! I guarantee it!"

"… Hey, seriously, what did you do? Did you become Blade's lover?"

"Sekko-san. It's a secret, but that's definitely not it."

It's a memory I'd like to remember, but also one I'd like to forget…!

With an introduction from Blade-senpai, we borrowed four carts and headed to the forest.

"Alright, let's get to cutting."

"Yeah! Leave the perimeter to us!"

"Here~ I~ go~"

"—Wait, the fuck!?"

I'd managed to get it done in an instant, after all.

And just before they fell to the ground, I locked them in space. After stopping their falls, I gently lowered them to the ground.

"I-I didn't even see you activate the magic…!"

"It's just a small application of wind magic, Sekko-san."

"Is that what wind magic looks like…?"

"Right? Isn't Karina amazing?"

"What are you so proud about, Blade… I mean, it's great that the extra carts won't be for nothing I guess."

We'll be going for six logs per person, so time for twenty three more~

"At least leave the branch timming to m—"

"Oh, I forgot. Eii—!"

"Instantly again!? Karina-chan's crazy awesome! Then at least let us—"

"Right. I'll lighten them with magic~"

"No way…"

Not only cutting everything down, but even trimming the branches off could be done instantly with spatial magic!

I could even lighten them a ton by hollowing them out and storing their cores in my storage space!

(I'd put the cores back later so they wouldn't notice!)

Fuhahahaha, this is the essence of spatial magic!

"Hot damn, Karina-chan really could do it all by herself… do we even need to be here?"

"You're needed for the paperwork."

"The heck…"

"Hey! Can you carry these logs!?"

"Another load's worth already!? What the heck!?"

In the end, we managed to deliver forty-eight logs in one day by making two trips.