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Vol. 2 Ch. 5

Released: 05/22/2017

Translator: Ziru

Volume Two

The Female Knights' Dignity

It was noon on the sixth day since leaving the Royal Capital when the group, lead by Fiana, arrived at the base of the mountain that had the abandoned mithril mine. Guided by Frederica, she and Fiana headed to the village head's house along with a single male knight and adventurer.

With their numbers, it would have been difficult to rest inside the small village, so everyone else prepared camp outside of the village.

A while later, Fiana and the other three returned and started to help set up tents after finishing their discussions with the villagers. By the time that they were all there helping out, the sun had just began to sink down.

Several villagers came bringing meat and alcohol around the time the expedition group had finished setting up camp. They did this as a spirit raiser for the upcoming monster subjugation.

Accepting it along with offering her gratitude, Fiana decided to cook the meat and share the alcohol with everyone.

Although monster subjugations came with their share of danger, they were relaxed due to arriving at their destination.

Being able to drink alcohol for the first time in a while, Frederica's mood improved after she drank quite an amount of it.

However, feeling as though something was about to happen, Fiana tilted her head to the side.

This was the intuition that belonged to the long lived elves, and although it was sensitive, it was not infallible.

Taking it to be her imagination, Fiana didn't pay it much attention and went back to drinking her small amount of alcohol.


Fiana, who'd been drinking the small amount so as to not intoxicate herself, let out a wild voice.

Suddenly hearing their commander's voice, everyone looked towards Fiana.

"… Sensitive."

"P-p-please don't touch them!"

Visibly amused, Satia stroked Fiana's characteristic long ears with her small fingers.

Her ears, tinged red due to the alcohol's influence, twitched as though attempting to escape Satia's fingers.

The female commander writhed like she was being tickled. It might have been due to the alcohol's influence, but rather than watching on with cheeky smiles, the men all saw her movements as somewhat enticing and averted their gazes.

"Mou… are elf ears that interesting to you, Satia-san?"

"… No, yours tremble, they look sensitive…"

"—D-do they…?"

Setting aside the alcohol's influence, her white cheeks dyed red from embarrassment.

Seeing Satia's hands start moving towards her ears once again, Fiana stood up to escape.

"I-I'm going to turn in early."

"… Me too, then."

In a sense, Satia was greedy.

Even with her poor social standing, she learned magic and knowledge important for adventuring from senior adventurers for Alfred's sake despite being his slave.

For her master's sake, she learned how to cook and how to fight so that she wouldn't drag him down. Then—so that she could satisfy her Goshujin-sama, she tried to improve her understanding of sensual pleasures.

Seeing Satia stand up to follow her, Fiana's cheeks cramped.

When she frantically looked towards Frederica for help—

"That girl's going to follow you until she's satisfied!"

Frederica offhandedly shot her down. She went back to her alcohol after that.

As for the men… given their pink-filled minds and hopes, they wound up looking back and forth between Fiana and Satia.

They'd been travelling for a week, so they were rather backed up. There was no helping the matter, but even so, Fiana cursed about it in her mind.

"W-well then… shall we both go to bed?"

"… Definitely."

Now that she was unable to escape the situation after she herself said it, Fiana left the area with Satia accompanying her.

Seeing the men gaze after them as they left, Alfira scowled at them. As for Frederica, she looked as though she didn't care at all.


"W-well… let's drink our fill and get some sleep!"


After enjoying themselves all the way till the moon was high in the sky, the alcohol helped everyone fall into a deep sleep.




On the morning of the next day, Fiana and the rest woke up even earlier than the village's elders would and put their tents away, as well as the remnants of the previous night's enjoyment, before starting to ascend the mountain.

Now having little traveling through it, the mountain trail was overgrown with grass and weeds, taxing their stamina despite them simply passing through.

Frederica and Satia were riding on a single horse, guiding everyone up the mountain.

The horse was borrowed from one of the male knights. This was done because it was judged that it would be safer having the two who knew the way lead them.

"How much longer will it take?"

"I think we'll arrive there by noon."

The knight that was walking together with the adventurers asked Frederica.

Unlike the comparatively lightly dressed adventurers, he was dressed in full plate armor, causing this path to be extraordinarily taxing on him.

He'd trained for marching as well, but it wasn't as though he had unlimited stamina.

When she responded to his question straightforwardly, he just continued in silence.

As Frederica had said, they arrived the entrance to the abandoned cave at around the same time that the sun was straight up in the sky.

Everyone's expressions tensed. Now was the real deal. Seeing them look completely different from how they were during the previous night's festivities, Frederica looked over them with cold eyes.

"Now then, the adventurers will begin preparing camp. The rest of us will look around."

Once they finished unloading their baggage near the abandoned mine's entrance, Fiana began issuing orders. As for whether or not the investigation would drag on, everyone believed that it would.

This was due to Frederica's testimony and due to looking at the map that the village head gave them. Since mithril was such a valuable magic metal, excavation had continued well past the point that collapses could occur so long as it could still be found, causing the mine to be rather expansive.

After the excavation continued for several more months, once it reached the point that not even traces of mithril could be found, the mine was abandoned.

Having been excavated that far, Fiana judged that it would take them upwards of a week to thoroughly examine the abandoned mine while being vigilant towards monsters.

The other knights and adventurers held the same view… rather, they expected that it would likely take even longer than that.

Following Fiana's orders, the adventurers prepared the camp while the knights went to look around and scout the surrounding area. Frederica went around with the knights, with Satia staying with the adventurers.

They wondered if they might be able to spot some kind of weakness or if they might be able to decrease their numbers by even a single person, but it wouldn't go so simply.

As soon as the camping preparations were over, everyone gathered together to eat lunch. Their meal was comprised of dried meat and some herbs and mushrooms they picked up on the mountain trail.

"When you were investigating, was there anything that stood out?"

Sitting next to Satia, who was chewing jerky while absentmindedly staring into the flickering fire, Alfira asked her a question.

"… There's a lot of dust—and it's dark. It's tiring."

Taking the dried meat away from her mouth, she said only that much before going back to nibbling it once again.

Sensing that the girl's attitude was as if she wasn't interested in the abandoned mine's investigation at all, Afira's mouth cramped a little.

"I-is that so…"

Convincing herself that it was due to the girl only having bad memories of this place, she averted her gaze from Satia.

The same thing happened with Frederica.

Frederica was just lazily watching the fire.

The surrounding adventurers called towards her a few times, but she only gave them vague responses.

"We'll be heading into the mine to start searching now… Frederica-san, Satia-san, will you two be alright?"

Wearing her light armor above her clothes that looked like pure white priest vestments and her long sword at her waist on the left side, Fiana asked them.

The two responded with a nod.

The knights and adventurers were all also preparing to begin the investigation. Among them was, of course, the only female other than Fiana, Alfira. Despite being a woman, she was equipped with hefty armor that covered her full body over her thick black clothing.

The other knights were also wearing full body armor like Alfira.

"… If there aren't any problems, we'll be going then."

The investigation would be conducted with them split into two groups.

Fiana, Alfira, Satia, and half of the adventurers made up the first group.

Frederica, the male knights, and the rest of the adventurers made up the second group. As far as their fighting strength went, this was an even split. Also, due to the abandoned mine's narrow passageways, them traveling in a large group would have been a problem.

It wouldn't be a problem for as many as nineteen to pass through, but the passages were too narrow if it turned into a fight. Moreover, the opponent was a slime. There was no way they could use fire magic in the mine, so once they found the slime, they would have to lure it out towards the entrance.

With that being the case, it was easier for them to move about in smaller groups. Besides, if they fought as one large group, they wouldn't be able to properly wield their swords.

And those are the reasons they split their group's fighting potential in half.

For their capabilities, they had the commander, Fiana, the newcomer, Alfira, and three skilled male knights.

Also, as mages familiar with the mine, Frederica and Satia had been split up between the two groups.

"It's so freaking dark and dusty in here… it'll feel great when we get to go back outside."


In front of Frederica, the male adventurers continued advancing inside while exchanging words with each other.

Two of the knights were in the lead, while the rest followed up in the rear. They took this formation so that they could protect the adventurers and Frederica.

This was because both the weight behind what a knight was and how skilled they were was clearly different from adventurers. Not something that aristocrats could simply throw money at to obtain, the title of 'knight' was earned through ability, experience, and an aptitude in magic.

Their capabilities far outstripped that of the adventurers. Even if Frederica was at a considerable level for an adventurer mage, she was only comparable to knights in her magical aptitude.

However, she fell far short when it came to swordplay. If she couldn't bring one down in one hit from a long distance away, her being defeated once her opponent drew close was a foregone conclusion.

Surveying the knights as they diligently paid attention to their surroundings, even Frederica grew accustomed to walking around the mine to a certain extent. This was a place she'd been living in for around a month already, but Frederica had only been staying in that single spot where light shone down into the mine that whole time.

There, for almost a full month, she was violated each and every day.

She was even able to escape.

Like how she had left the abandoned mine to bathe, this wasn't the first time. Cleansing her body at the lake located at the foot of the mountain with Satia, she would come back to this mine. No, rather than 'come back', it was probably more correct to say she was 'returning home'.

Her head, her body, her mind, even her soul—it had all come to recognize this place, this dark, gloomy mine, as home.

Out of her life until now and from everything then on… was there anything else that would be able to give the extent of pleasure that that slime was able to?

The first time she left the mine, she thought that. She thought that, and realized.

Even if she ran away, Frederica would return to this mine. It would simply end up happening.

Even if she regained her pride as a mage or her pride as a human being—she would return to this mine and, once again, be ravished. No, she would return for the sake of being ravished. She was confident in that.

When she left the mine that first time and realized that fact, Frederica wept. She cried from her heart, and kept on crying—even as she cleansed her body so that she could once again receive the Black Ooze's love.

"Frederica, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm alright~"

A man walking next to her spoke to her, but she just responded without thinking much about it at all.

It didn't matter.

Frederica knew that the man was thinking of her. She could tell from the way he looked.

Even so, it didn't matter.

Frederica had long since grown used to the stagnant, dusty air.

(Aah, I'm finally back.)

She thought that from the bottom of her heart.

Ever since her first time with the slime, this was the longest she had gone without its ravishing. Let alone the two days it had been, it was rare for her to even have half a day's rest. Normally, she would be caressed throughout the day as well as after she fell asleep at night.

Always kept at a state of excitement, the woman's womb throbbed, maintaining a state of being prepared to bear children.

Her womb violated, her eggs violated, she had birthed children. Her fear towards being impregnated by a monster had quickly faded away.

Frederica felt that, certainly, she was simply a monster with a human's appearance. She loved a monster and would never be able to love a human again.


One of the knights stopped walking. Following his lead, Frederica and the other also stopped, surveying their surroundings.

They didn't sense mana nor a presence, but the skilled knight still felt that something was there.

"—A monster that can camouflage itself?"

The knights drew their swords, causing the adventurers to follow suit and prepare themselves as well.

By the time Frederica began preparing her mana, the knights' swords began to emit a bright light. Mana lights—mana blades that could cut through the slime's soft body.

At the same moment, a slime about the size of a dog crawled out from behind the shade of a rock.

The knights held up their swords as though to intercept it. The slime slowly moved towards them—at that instant, another slime that was about the same size dropped down from the ceiling.

Two of the knights hastily avoided the slime. Now that their balance had been thrown off, more slimes showed themselves on the surrounding walls and aimed their tentacles toward them.

Even with that, the two knights cleared them out and straightened their stances. As the paralytic poison had been blocked by their armor as well, it wasn't able to show its effectiveness.

"Tch, so many—!"

One of the knights cut away some of the viscous tentacles to capture a slime. When he raised his sword to swing, the slime used the chance to attack with its tentacle. However, it was repelled by the knight's shield.

Thinking that he was about to take it out, the knight took a blow from behind and was captured by the slime he thought he'd defeated.

The slime suddenly grew from about the size of a dog to being large enough to envelop the armored knight's entire body.

Now that he'd been enveloped, it was impossible for him to defend against the liquids that made up the slime's body. The paralytic poison-laced mucus made its way through the gaps in the knight's armor, quickly disabling him.

His entire body was immersed in the viscous liquid, so he wasn't able to breathe. Given how things were going, he would die of suffocation within the minute.


Another tentacle took that moment of carelessness to strike at another knight's helmet, the paralytic poison penetrating onto the skin through its gap.

Unable to withstand the paralytic poison that had affected him so suddenly, the other knight fell to his knees.

At that moment, the man was squashed by a new slime that fell from the ceiling. Only one knight was left after Frederica's attack caused the other two knights to fall into disarray. This second group had been driven into a corner.

They would be paralyzed just by having a tentacle touch them. Luckily, the adventurers weren't wearing any heavy armor, so even them just cutting away the tentacles would cause drops of it to splash onto them, causing them to be paralyzed.

As a result, the only person who was safe was the knight, who stood a little ways away from Frederica.

He hadn't been captured by a slime, but he didn't have time to help out the adventurers that were quickly succumbing to the paralytic poison either.

He retreated in a way so as to not leave any openings for the tentacles to exploit, trying to somehow escape. This was the only thing filling the knight's thoughts.

"Fufu… are they tasty? You know, that's also how your father got bigger, right?"

Frederica lovingly caressed the slime that had captured the first knight.

The color of its mucous shining in the lantern's faint light was a burnt brown. This dark brown-colored slime that looked dark even within the cave's darkness—this was a slime that Frederica had birthed.

Seeing Frederica touch the slime like that, the knight looked at her like he was seeing something that didn't make sense.

"Oi, mage—don't you get that that thing's a monster!"


Hearing him, Frederica glanced his way with a strange look in her eyes. Her gaze seemed to imply that she wondered what he was getting at.

"Yeah, it is."

"What do you mean 'yeah'—that's our enemy!"

Like that, she responded casually, her head tilted to the side.

She wasn't thinking along the lines of 'because it's a monster and I'm a human'. She was truly clueless what he'd meant.

"Why? Ah… come to think of it, us humans were trying to eradicate all monsters, weren't we?"

Even while saying something like that, Frederica continued caressing the slime.

Her eyes contained hints of beauty and tenderness—the eyes of a mother.

"It's alright. Mother here is your ally."

"—So you were corrupted by the monsters? Pitiful."

"Pitiful—? No, you're wrong."

Hearing the knight's words, Frederica smiled, a smile that lit up her whole face.

"I'm blessed—extremely so."


At the time that Frederica was annihilating the knights, Fiana and her group was advancing further into the mine's interior.

Fiana stood in the lead, holding a lantern in her hand. Alfira and the adventurers advanced behind her, huddled together so as to protect Satia.

However, although they were taking every possible precaution, their progress went quickly.



"I don't feel any presences nor any mana… is the slime further inside?"

"… …"

Satia felt uneasy due to Fiana's lack of openings.

She knew what sort of existence knights were. Although there were some who brandished their title without a suiting capability to do so—there were definitely those who did.

As she had talked about with Frederica, it was possible that, perhaps, those coming to the mine this time were those that did have power. And indeed… the mana fluctuations she felt coming from Fiana were noticeably different compared to the people that Satia had met before.

They were even greater than Frederica's—greater than Goshujin-sama's.

Although she wasn't too tall as a woman, her existence itself felt extremely large.

"Are you alright, Satia-san?"

Thinking that Satia looked tense, Alfira called out to her.

Satia responded by doing a simple nod as she continued walking so that she wouldn't fall behind the group.

How much farther would they be going? Fiana looked like she still had a good amount of stamina left, but tinges of weariness began to appear on Alfira, the adventurers' and Satia's faces.

The speed they moved at began to slow down, so the dust and poltergeist voices that hadn't irritated them much beforehand started to do so.

Satia herself was used to breathing there as she had grown accustomed to it, but it wasn't like that for the rest of the group.

"Should we turn back soon?"

It was at the moment that Fiana suggested that.

The female elf suddenly pulled out her sword, stopping in her tracks and looking around. Her sword was clad in mana. Unlike the lantern's light, its pale bluish light that centered on her illuminated the mine's darkness.

The light's quality and volume was clearly different from the mana blade the male knights that were with Frederica.

"Prepare yourselves. It's beyond here."

Together with her voice, it felt as though the temperature fell.



In fact, it was to the point that Satia and the adventurers shivered and got goosebumps.

However, there was no change in Alfira. She likely knew about Fiana's attribute.

Like how Satia was compatible with the wind and fire attributes, and as how Frederica could use wind, fire, and earth attribute magic, mages had attributes.

Surely, Fiana was cold. Struck by Fiana's mana, a slime about the size of a cow appeared from inside the mine.

"A Black Ooze… well, it's an alright opponent."

She didn't hold up her sword, but she looked towards the slime in vigilance.

Satia took a step backward.

"There's just one, but don't let down your guard."

Hearing that, Alfira and the adventurers drew their swords and paid attention to their surroundings.

Their behavior felt clumsy compared to Fiana's, but even so, their response was quick. Facing the somewhat haphazard adventurers, the Black Ooze ignored Fiana and shot its tentacles toward them.

The tentacles moved at a speed that almost couldn't be seen by the human eye—however, a flicker of an instant later, the tentacles were severed by the frozen sword, the severed pieces freezing.

With this, it was unable to make use of the droplets of paralytic poison that was the secondary effect of its attack. Moreover, it was unable to reform with the severed pieces even if it touched them again.

In this cave that they couldn't use the fire attribute in, there wasn't a more effective magic against the slime than this. Its liquid would be rendered useless if it was frozen, after all.

"It's alright. There won't be any problems if we stay calm."

Not even surprised by the tentacle's speed, Fiana said that.

Aiming at Fiana just after she spoke, the Black Ooze's tentacles rushed towards her.

Enough tentacles to blot out one's field of vision all aimed towards a single woman, but most were cut away and she easily avoided the ones that weren't severed.

The female knight jumped, kicking off of the rock wall to dodge. The front of her robe flapped in the air, her beautiful hair dancing.

The tentacles that were sliced off by Fiana fell to the ground, frozen through due to the chill produced by her mana.

The adventurers were looking at Fiana in admiration, but once deep blue slimes that were camouflaging themselves as rocks nearby began to move, they moved into a circular formation.

"Wasn't there just one!?"

"Don't panic! Leave the big one to Fiana-sama, we can't drag her down!"

One of the adventurers shouted at Satia that it was different from what they'd heard, but Alfira called out to him and the other adventurers to calm them down.

Fiana and the giant slime's ability was obvious. They believed that so long as they didn't drag her down, they would definitely win.

In truth, even Satia's doll-like expression was filled with surprise at Fiana's incredible skill.

Alfira stood in front of the adventurers, holding her shield up to protect them. The slimes' tentacles headed towards Alfira, but they were blocked by her shield and armor.

Sensing how things were going, a few more appeared from behind other rocks.

"Satia-san, cover us!!"

(… What should I do?)

Meanwhile, Satia was wondering about what she should do.

Even if she took action here, the possibility of neutralizing Fiana would be exceedingly low.

The difference in their power was too vast—she had to do something, causing her to panic.

Unlike Frederica, Satia wasn't able to use much mana and was limited in what she could do.

Should she attack Fiana to distract her, or should she disempower Alfira and the others? As she thought about that, another slime dropped from overhead onto an adventurer.

He was wary of his surroundings, but he wasn't able to properly cope with an attack from above and couldn't react in time. However, although he avoided being crushed by dodging to the side, it ended up causing their circular formation to collapse.

Surrounded by slimes and split up, panic flourished among the adventurers.


Although Fiana was worried about the adventurers, she had her hands full in trying to neutralize the Black Ooze as quickly as possible.

Severing its tentacles, she gradually closed the distance between her and it. However, her progress was slow. The Black Ooze was a monster that had taken half of the livestock from the village at the mountain's base, as well as upwards of twenty men.

As an existence that could change things that it absorbs into its own mass, unlike how it looked, it had far more mucus at its disposal compared to usual Black Oozes.

This was the Black Ooze's biggest weapon against Fiana and was the only way it outstripped her.

Would Fiana be able to freeze the slime's main body, or would her stamina run out before that?

—That balance continually tilted more in Fiana's favor.

She was accustomed to battling and was not careless. Her figure, jumping about as she dodged despite being so limited inside the cave, was both beautiful and impressive.

"… …"

However, she had made a single miscalculation. Rather than the slime being Satia's enemy, it was her ally.

Satia picked up one of the tentacles that had been severed and left behind on the ground, frozen.

The girl could use fire and wind magic. Of what she could do with it, there wasn't much.

However, she was able to melt the frozen tentacle in her hand immediately.

"Satia, what're you doing!?"

One of the adventurers noticed what Satia was doing, but he was too late.

Immediately after he shouted that out, the black tentacle stretched out from the girl's hand and struck the three adventurers against the wall. It hadn't held back at all in this attack, so the place that the three men hit the wall had even cracked. The men died instantly, of course. They died with their blood flying out of all of their orifices.

Although the slime was only so large that it could fit in her palm, the mass it contained was nonsensical.

After that, the tentacle extended towards the three remaining adventurers and Alfira.


Alfira exclaimed, but she didn't respond, instead preparing her mana.

"… Wind."


The tentacle in Satia's palm headed towards Alfira and the three others, but they managed to avoid it this time.

However, this time, a deep blue slime's tentacle aimed at the point they would dodge towards ahead of time. The adventurers, feeling something wrong with their bodies just by being touched by it, fell into even further confusion.

Alfira was safe due to being protected by her armor, but Satia's wind magic blew her away towards the rock wall, which she wound up colliding directly against.

She managed to avoid losing consciousness by clenching her teeth, but her body had grown numb from the impact and wasn't responding properly.

Yet even so, she did her best to stand back up and—

"—Wh… at!?"

Unable to put any strength into her legs, she fell to her knees.

Due to the timing that she'd been blown away at, she had crushed a slime with her back.

Satia wasn't safe either. Immediately after she blew Alfira away, she was blown away by Fiana's wind magic.

As she was attacked just after she'd used magic and was thus defenseless, her small body rolled across the cave floor much like a leaf blown in the wind, crashing into the rock wall.

Fiana could tell that the girl had lived due to her fingertips moving faintly, but she didn't appear to be conscious nor was she showing any signs of attempting to get up.

"Satia-san, why!?"

She shouted that, but her sword didn't slow in the least.

She stood right between Alfira and the group of slimes, cutting down all of the tentacles heading towards them.



The adventurers had either fainted or were unable to move due to the paralytic poison. They weren't able to oppose the smaller slimes that slowly crept up towards them and were swallowed one after another.

Only able to allow herself a moment to look away at the situation, Fiana turned back towards the Black Ooze in vexation.

The situation had made a complete reversal due to Satia's interference. However, there was still a chance of it reversing yet again.

If Fiana could slay the Black Ooze and the other slimes, it would come to an end. Threatened by the cold-clad sword, the small slimes were unable to approach the two of them.

The only thing that she had to worry about was the Black Ooze.

"—Fiana-sama, don't worry about me!"


Alfira didn't want to hold Fiana back. If she could go all out and not have to worry about protecting her, she'd be able to win against these slimes by herself.

(If we weren't hindering her—)

She bit her lip.

A slime about the size of a lizard was crawling towards the knight's feet, it was a child slime.

The paralysis affecting her lower half was strong, so she still hadn't noticed it.

"—! It's still alright! We'll manage somehow, so—"

Fiana had said that to reassure her, but something unusual was happening to Alfira behind her.


Immediately holding back her voice, she covered her mouth with her right hand as it could still move.

For an instant, she didn't understand what was happening. However… she was convinced that something was on her lower half. She looked down in a panic. However, the only thing she saw was her usual armor.

The small slime had entered the knight's armor through its gaps and, as it had inherited its instincts from its father, struggled to reach the girl's lower half. Feeling something weird brushing against her lower half even though she was wearing both clothes and armor, her mind quickly fell into a state of panic.

(What!? What's going on!?)

Alfira's expression wasn't her usual composed one. She was startled and confused as she looked at her lower half.

Still protected behind Fiana, her lower half was licked by the slime. However, as her armor and clothes blocked her view, Alfira couldn't figure out what was happening.

Under such extraordinary circumstances, her paralyzed body wouldn't listen to what she told it to do. As she tried, the slime, pleased that its prey wasn't resisting, didn't hesitate in moving towards her genitals.

Even though she couldn't put any strength into the area, her thighs tightened up on reflex as the slime slid towards her crotch from the opening of her panties.

Even so, as the slime wasn't a solid object, something like that wasn't enough to stop it.

It gently licked her closed vagina.


(Hiii!? W-wha—-I'm being licked!?)

Her thighs closed even tighter to resist the repulsing sensation. However, not paying her meaningless actions any heed, the slime continued licking her.

Feeling a mix of fear, confusion, and that repulsive feeling, Alfira's composure was snatched away. It was a miracle that she was able to keep her voice back so that she wouldn't alarm Fiana.

If she weren't numbed by the paralytic poison, she would have took off her armor to remove it.

Using Alfira's confusion, the slime started moving onto the next step. In addition to gently licking up and down the girl's labia, the slime extended a tentacle towards the girl's modestly hidden clitoris.

With a shock, Alfira's body bent backwards. However, Fiana still hadn't noticed because of her struggle against the tentacles.

Looking at Fiana from being as she fought so desperately, Alfira did her best to suppress her voice. Tears collected in her eyes, seeming as though they might spill at any moment.

Her labia was being licked gently while her clitoris was stimulated from above its hood. Although Alfira was ignorant when it came to sexual things, she could understand what this intruder's goal was by its actions.

(Stop… stop it…!)

At last, tears spilt from her eyes, running down her cheeks before falling. Even so, she didn't let her voice go out as she continued to desperately endure it.

Her thighs that had been trying to constrict the slime changed the way they were moving without her realizing it. She was now moving more like she was rubbing against it, her waist rocking back and forth slightly.

Her mature, womanly body couldn't help but begin to feel something in this extraordinarily abnormal situation the slime took advantage of.

It wasn't to the point that her juices were spilling out, but it still felt tantalizing, like foreplay. What dwelled in Alfira's body couldn't be called pleasure so much as a feeling of expectation.

"—, —!"

A slight clanking noise produced by her armor accompanied Alfira's twitching.

The brave female knight did her best to muffle the noise despite convulsing so that Fiana wouldn't notice.

Her labia relaxed slightly as it opened, the pleasure growing. Her sensitive spots being caressed, her body's trembling grew in intensity.

Going by the muffled voice coming from behind her gnashing teeth and the look on her face, she was in pain. However, going by her body's reactions, she was feeling pleasure.

She shot her weak hand up to cover her mouth as her waist convulsed greatly.

It wasn't even as though her breasts or whole body was being stimulated.

Just by the humiliation of the woman's greatest weak point being persistently teased, an indescribable emotion whirled within her chest.

A certain amount of time passed. She no longer felt so confused, but she continued to recite a phrase in her mind as though it were a curse.

(I won't forgive you, I won't forgive you, I won't forgive you—I absolutely will not forgive you!!)

Her gaze cast downward, her hatred for the slime increased with each passing moment as she desperately subdued her voice and endured the ever-increasing stimulation.

That emotion helped pin down the pleasant sensation as she stifled the heavy pants that tried to come from her mouth.


Letting out a deep breath, she calmed down. She would endure until Fiana kills the huge slime. All she needed to do was resolve herself and hold out.

Starting to lick upwards, the devious slime went to stimulating her still hidden clitoris.

Decidedly never doing the same thing long enough to become monotonous, it alternated between teasing Alfira's clitoris and her labia, not allowing her to get used to the stimulation.

However, that much was within Alfira's expectations.

It could still be considered torment, but her clitoris and labia being stimulated could even be experienced with a human partner and was a sensation she had experienced.

That's why—



The feeling in her lower body was exceedingly dulled due to the paralytic poison. This was also one of the reasons why Alfira was able to endure.

That is, as her lower body's senses were dulled, so were the stimulation she was given.

She'd gotten confused due to receiving stimulation from under her clothes and armor—not to mention the other party being a monster—but she was able to endure that confusion one way or another.


"Wai—eh!? That's—!"


Suddenly, Alfira, who'd kept quiet this entire time, let out a loud voice.

Her voice was filled with surprise—and panic. She couldn't help it, her instincts as a living being… as a woman, screamed.

Fiana reacted to her voice. It was both sudden and loud. She was concerned that something might have happened to her comrade's body, but she didn't have the time to check on her.

The tentacles coming from the Black Ooze spurred forward, a full ten or twenty tentacles darted straight for Fiana in an instant. Even so, all of them were cut into pieces and frozen into icy chunks before they reached the female elf.

(Hiiii!? That's—that's the wrong spot!!)

The place that the slime slipped into from the opening her slightly opened labia wasn't her vagina—it was the modest opening that existed just above it… her urethra.

It wasn't as though she couldn't endure the pleasure… it was just that Alfira had never imagined that she would be stimulated at a spot like

The soft-bodied slime slipped into her tiny, tightly closed hole.

Normally, one would only feel pain by having their urethra thrust into. However, all Alfira felt was the sensation of a foreign substance moving into her, along with hatred and fear.

She felt the foreign substance move up her urethra the wrong direction. She felt fear by being attacked by a monster sexually. Furthermore—she felt fear that, despite even her urethra being penetrated, she felt no pain.

It was because of the paralytic poison dulling her senses. At least, that was the excuse Alfira used on herself.

"Wha…!? — F-Fia… n-no!?"

Far from being developed, places that hadn't been used in this manner at all were now within the monster's grasp.

Both of her hands reflexively shot downward to her crotch due to the excessively strange sensation. Her action did nothing and was meaningless, of course. However, to Alfira, it held some meaning. It had to, else she would feel as though there was nothing that she could do.

"A-ah, stop—nooo!?"

"Alfira, did something happen!? What—kuh!?"

The female elven knight couldn't miss the trembling in her comrade's voice, but her sword didn't cease cutting down the slime's tentacles.

She wanted to check to see what was happening with Alfira behind her but was unable. A sense of impatience sprouted within her chest. Being behind Fiana and seeing her begin to rush, Alfira's disordered mind fell into an even deeper confusion.

Let alone her erogenous areas, it was penetrating her urethra, a place for excretion. This absurd situation caused her to put even more strength into clamping down on her crotch.

Even so, the slime, now crushed by both her thighs and her hands, simply advanced further into its only path of escape—her urethra.


It wasn't a loud scream, but a voice of despair that wound up being heard by Fiana, who stood directly in front of her.

Tears overflowing from her gallant, strong eyes, Alfira's face dyed red in shame as she ended up using more strength against the slime.

Pressed ever onward, the slime escaped into her insides while undulating as though to expand her thin urethra.

The breaths she let out were both shallow and short. Her breathing sounded like she was enduring pain, yet her expression was quite different.

Alfira looked down, her eyes wide as though surprised by something.

"Hah, hah, hah—"

Her tongue was sticking out as she gazed down, her breathing rough. She appeared quite like a dog, but Alfira hadn't realized it.

Not even the slime had noticed the change in the female knight as it continued working on her urethra.

She was still putting minimal effort into trying to crush the slime that was focusing on her urethra, but the slime kept on undulating in attempts to further dilate her urethra.

How long could such a meager resistance last?

Unexpectedly, the undulating slime came across a sensitive spot it could torment that the girl hadn't thought of.

It had pushed up against her clitoris from within her urethra.


Forcibly pushed out from under its hood, it was stimulated in a way she had never felt before—from being pressed up against by its source.

Frantically attempting to close her mouth, she tried closing her urethra with all her might.

However, Alfira already knew that something like that wouldn't be able to stop the slime.

Yet even so, the female knight had no choice but to continue with her meaningless resistance.

She didn't know what would happen if she stopped resisting—but it was exactly because she didn't know that she was so frightened.

"—on't lose—-I won't loooose!"

Unable to close her mouth fully, saliva spilled from her mouth and made its way down her neck all the way to her chest, soiling it

For its next action, the slime exited her. The slime that had been pressing forward and was expanding her urethra suddenly and willingly pulled itself out.


What she felt in that instant was hope and relief—as well as a faint feeling of loneliness, so faint that even she herself didn't notice.

After pulling out, the slime slid its way back into her still-expanded urethra, progressing at a speed much faster than before.


This bliss was much, much different from what a woman would feel from a man penetrating her vagina.

Having her excretory organ used for sex, a strange feeling of bliss assaulted Alfira.

Experiencing a pleasure so extreme that she'd never felt it before, the female knight wasn't able to endure it and looked upwards to the ceiling.

Like that, her body went into convulsions as saliva dribbled from her mouth.

"A, ah—…"

In that moment, the strength she'd been using to tighten her urethra left her, the final shackle holding the slime back vanishing.

And so the slime continued onward inside—all the way to the place her urine accumulated.

At that point, she couldn't do anything.

Forcibly opened by the slime, the climaxing Alfira lost the ability to close her urethra.

As a result—

"H-hyah… n-no—noooo…"

She realized that the urine in her bladder was decreasing. She realized it—and realized that it wasn't coming out from the spot it was supposed to come out from.

"N-no—no way…"

Realizing what was happening, Alfira's face paled. It was being absorbed. Her urine… was being absorbed by the slime.


She screamed. Even so, her voice had already changed into one that sounded more coquettish than anything. Her urine taken into itself, the slime grew a small bit larger tried leaving through her urethra again.

This was frightening—it was frightening because she didn't feel any pain at all. This was a proper reaction. Normally, a urethra wouldn't be expanded as large as hers. Developed by the slime, it was expanded without causing her any pain due to the paralytic poison—Alfira's body was modified.

Unable to close it so long as the slime was there, she was penetrated all the way to the spot where her urine accumulated.

The brilliant female knight was aware of that fact more than anyone else.

"P-please—get out, get ooooout!!!"

Hearing Alfira's desperate pleas, Fiana's attention momentarily shifted away from the slime. She'd finally looked away.

The slime would never miss that chance. Its tentacles seized not the sword that was clad in mana, but the hand holding the sword.


Although the magic sword could freeze the mucus tentacles, the thing they latched on to was the female elf's wrist.

Once she was caught, she couldn't do anything with her strength as a woman. However, the female knight's expression still had some composure to it as she tried to drive back the Black Ooze with her mana and overwhelming sword skill.

Protected by her gauntlet, the paralytic poison's effect hadn't appeared yet.

She was worried about Alfira's change in tone, but she would first have to repel the slime before she could do anything.

Preparing her mana with that in mind, the surrounding area's temperature dropped sharply.

It wasn't visible due to the abandoned mine's darkness, but the rock walls began to frost over. The only area that was safe was the area surrounding Fiana.

This was a magic that didn't take collateral damage into consideration, the kind of magic that one wouldn't want to use if they had comrades in the area. It would end up freezing the adventurers that were taken into the slime as well.

That fact troubled her somewhat, but she herself didn't intend to die, nor did she intend to allow the still-living Alfira to die either.

Fiana went with the sole option that could lead to their survival. Even so, there was another existence other than the Black Ooze that had rushed into action before the surrounding area froze completely.

It was the part of the Black Ooze's body that had adhered itself to Alfira's armor. Although it had separated itself from the Black Ooze's main body, its will was the same.

Tearing itself off of Alfia's armor, it attacked Fiana from behind while she was concentrating on the magic.


The first thing she felt was a disgusting sensation on the nape of her neck.

The slippery foreign substance moved into Fiana's clothes as though it were falling down her neck.

"Eh, wh—what!?"

Her thoughts were thrown into chaos because of the gross sensation, but she managed to keep up maintaining the magic.

"Kuh—so this was what it was!"

What a disgusting monster!

Cursing the monster in her mind, Fiana tried emitting her mana even faster to freeze the slime even a second sooner.

The composure she'd had squaring off against the Black Ooze had already vanished.

She absolutely had to expel this monster as fast as possible.

The slime slipped down the female elf's back, stimulated by its sense of purpose. As it moved, it felt to Fiana as though she was being licked.


Her body wound up reacting to it, but it couldn't be helped. It was a physiological response.

Coming to that clear-cut conclusion, Fiana maintained her magic. Pleased that the woman wasn't opposing it, the slime licked all over the woman's back with its whole body, not bothering to even use its paralytic poison.

Pressing against her body with its thin tentacles, the slime followed a rhythm as it teased her back.

Fiana's body trembled quite a number of times due to the slime's caresses. Each time she trembles, the magic trying to freeze the Black Ooze weakened just a little. Even so, she endured it through sheer willpower.

The moment she realized that it was moving towards the underwear supporting her breasts that was so popular amongst noble women, it pulled on the bra's string, causing her breasts to shake. As the bra's string was pulled to the point that the bra no longer matched the size of her overly voluptuous breasts, she felt more a tightening oppression in her chest more so than pain.

"—Huu… obscene."

Her breaths growing shallow, she looked quite lustful as she gulped back saliva that tried to overflow from her mouth. She did not feel good. All she felt was disgust.

The willpower within her red eyes as she glared at the Black Ooze was strong. Still grasping the sword that was her proof as a knight, the female elf drove the slime back bit by bit.

Although the momentum behind the wave of cold lessened somewhat, it wasn't as though it disappeared.

(If I can just keep enduring—)

At the same instant that Fiana thought that, the slime's movements shifted.

It had only been licking her back up till now, but it moved. It tucked itself into her bra, heading towards her breasts that were squashed by her armor.


(… What a disgustingly filthy monster!)

Even so, Fiana thought this might happen. She didn't understand why it would do it, but the monster wanted to pleasure women.

Alfira was definitely surprised by its unexpected actions. She believed that she had let down her guard.

That's why she was able to predict that this monster would tease her breasts—as well as her lower body.

—This thought process of hers allowed Fiana to still hold the upper hand.


Her abundant breasts that were being crushed by her armor were being kneaded by the slime.

But that wasn't all, the slime extended its body to tickle her belly as well as lick her armpits.

She wasn't able to stop it because she was still gripping on to her sword, so she was at its mercy.

Even though she was the one driving their opponent into a corner, she was also the one being tormented. If she gazed down just slightly, she would see her breasts swaying back and forth and undulating by the slime's movements.


At some point, her once-strained lips opened ever so slightly.

Her breathing was shallow, quick—and heated. Even though she really did feel disgusted by the slime, it was impossible for her to disregard the stimulation given to her breasts.

The mucus kneading her breasts and the obscene squishing sound it gave off also contributed to cornering Fiana. Her breasts were being violated. The sound alone informed her of that.

"H-ah—haah… nn."

Swallowing back her saliva, she ignored the stimulation welling up from her breasts. She had mostly frozen the slime right in front of her.

Once she freezes it all the way to its core, she would quickly peel off the slime sticking to her body and end it.

That was all.

Keeping that thought in mind, she continued maintaining her magic. However, the slime wouldn't stay still either.

Not having much experience in the area at all, its actions that exceeded what common sense said human intercourse was were visibly driving Fiana into a corner.

Her breasts were massaged, she was licked, and her nipples were being teased. She knew that her chest was much larger than most and that her nipples would be teased, but this slime's teasing was beyond her wildest expectations.

Her entire chest was licked at the same time, her breasts themselves wrapped around at their bases and squeezed, all the while her nipples were tickled and rolled around. If she had the presence of mind left to notice, the slime was gently massaging her nipples with tentacles just about the size of a finger. Never repeating the same kind of teasing for too long, it moved so that Fiana wouldn't become accustomed to it.

"This—nn… even though it's—aaahn… just a monster…!"

If it weren't for the Black Ooze's tentacles, Fiana would very likely have already taken off her armor and rip off the trespassing slime.

At this point, the slime wasn't simply licking her breasts alone, but also her defenseless navel and the rest of her femininely soft and toned abdomen.

Those spots hadn't been licked in her entire life. This never-before-experienced pleasure gradually built up, bringing the beautiful elf knight ever closer to a climax.

(Th—this monster…!)

A pleasant throbbing began to fill her entire body.

Matured to maturity, the female elf's body writhed as though to resist the pleasure. Her hair clung to her forehead due to her perspiration.

However, even so, she could still endure—at least, she should have been able to.

"N, fuah!?"

It stopped being as gentle as it had been. It started violently tormenting her breasts like it was trying to smother them.

The gentle massaging had tenderized her breasts, but now they were being dealt with violently, much like how clay would be kneaded. They were massaged roughly enough to fully change shape under her armor and clothes, but would try and return to their original shape in the next instant.

Fiana couldn't possibly see it herself, but her cherry pink nipples were so hard that they were painful.

The slime, of course, wouldn't overlook such a delicious weak spot—

"H-hiii!? —Uhuaa…"

She almost lost her grip on her sword as she desperately endured the assault, keeping her knees from hitting the ground.

However, her stance pigeon-toed while she tried to hold her ground. Her legs trembled and it was difficult for her to support her own weight.

Her scarlet eyes glared at the Black Ooze in tears, she kept her mouth that despised the monster closed and held back her panting.

Her long ears were dyed red in shame, yet even so, Fiana resisted it and kept standing upright.

(Hah—w-what the!?)

The shining light ahead of her tear stained eyes started to go out.

As expected given her current state, she'd already reached her limit at maintaining her magic.

Her legs that had once moved with a dancer's grace were now trembling, no longer able to perform any of those nimble movements. Even her dignified expression was distorted by pleasure.

"Huu—ah… kuh."

The slime continued violating Fiana's breasts, not holding back in the least.

Her kneaded breasts' tension was increased as they pressed up forcibly against her armor, enough to cause pain.

Yet even more importantly—

(My nipples—nip… n-not so violentlyyy!)

Pulled and tumbled about, they were assaulted so intensely that it was like the slime was trying to rip them off. Even so, her hate-filled body could only feel it as pleasure.

Her body convulsed each time it assaulted her breasts, informing just how intense she was being violated. Her eyes were moist, enough that the Black Ooze before her had blurred.

The flickering lantern light lit the beauty's bewitching gasps in the darkness, a sight that would cause any man to gulp back their saliva. However, the only thing to see this sight was the slime.

"S-so—i-intense… so, int—"

In a situation where it could be said that her even keeping upright despite her lower half's trembling was a miracle, she absolutely wouldn't let go of the sword that was her proof of being a knight.

She refused to surrender her pride as a knight.

It was impossible for that pride to coexist with the pleasure, tormenting the female elf. The pleasure of that torment cut its way into her body.

(T-this—slime, even though… it's just… a slime!!!)

Her twin hills that held a boastful elasticity warped left and right, bouncing as though they were dancing, distorting her clothes.

Fiana's breasts, things that should've been naught but lumps of fat, dyed her thoughts in pleasure, torturing her.

If it weren't for the Black Ooze's tentacles coming at her, she probably would have dropped her sword by that point.

The slime's torment was skillfully driving the woman mad.

"N-no—stop, please… stop…"

Pleas for it to stop came from her mouth. They were certainly done unconsciously, they weren't something that Fiana wanted.

Because a knight must never do something so feeble as surrendering to a monster.

Even so, Fiana's female part disagreed.

It understood that she couldn't take any more. It sensed that she wouldn't be able to endure it if it continued further.

Therefore, in order to defend the part of her named Fiana, her female part unconsciously pleaded for it to stop.

"… Stop, please—!"

There was still a strength in her voice. However, the slime wouldn't listen to her.

Just like milking a cow, it forcibly pulled on her nipples from their bases.

Still licking her navel and armpits, places that hadn't been stimulated until this day, it sucked up the sweat flooding down into her cleavage.

"That's… no—"

(This slime…)

It wasn't as though her vagina was penetrated. It hadn't even touched the woman's greatest weakness.

Even so, the convulsions in her body grew ever more intense as her posture slumped forward.

Still holding her sword—her proof as a knight—her butt was pushed out behind her with her feet pigeon-toed inward. Her face was warped in pleasure.

—That was as far as she could last.

(It's so much—more than I…!)

"I-I'm cummiiiiing—-! A-huuu…"

Fiana fell forward as-is once the temporary paralysis from climaxing ran out.

The cold mana she was preparing scattered.

However, the surface of the Black Ooze was frozen, so it couldn't move right away.

Behind Fiana, Alfira continued convulsing while her urethra was being penetrated.

Even while fainting, Fiana's breasts continued to be ravished.

Satia was unconscious due to Fiana's magic.

And the Black Ooze and the other slimes were turned into lumps of ice.

But no sooner than cracks started appearing on the lumps of ice, mucus began overflowing from the cracks, causing them to instantly return to normal.

To kill the species known as a slime completely, simply freezing it wasn't enough. After that, it was necessary to burn them until they evaporated.

—And so the Black Ooze obtained new mothers to give birth.