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Ch. 423

Released: 03/22/23

Translator: Ziru

Studying Abroad or Something

Main Tournament (4)

Then, in the Wataru VS Asura match, Wataru effortlessly claimed victory.

With this, excluding Asura, all three competitors had two wins and one loss. Furthermore, each of them had declared their defeat in turn.

"Guess you could say that everything's reset back to the beginning, except for Asura… right, Number 564? What's going to happen now?"

"Hmm, if all three have the same number of wins, they'll have to face off again in a final showdown! Rejoice, you still have a shot at the championship!"

"… Hmm, so a rematch?"

However, if I were to surrender to Wataru, Sebas were to surrender to me, and then Wataru were to surrender to Sebas… it would only lead to the same outcome no matter how many times it was repeated. A continuous stalemate, like a game of rock-paper-scissors going on forever.

"How are we supposed to end this? It's never going to end."

"Hmm, isn't it simple? Have everyone fight together and determine the ranking by the order in which they survive. It's all the same, no matter who wins!"

"… Ah, I see."

If we already have the same win-loss record, it can be said that it doesn't matter who wins. So there should be no problem in determining the ranking through a battle royale.

It's unfortunate for Asura being the only one left behind, but this time it seems like it will be the true final battle.

"I wish Wataru and Sebas would take each other out so I could give the championship to the winner…"

"What are you being so weak-willed for!? If you've come this far, the only option is to win the championship!?"

"I keep telling you that I'm just aiming for the runner-up prize! Ah, seriously…"

Judging from Wataru's behavior earlier, he seems to be eager to seriously challenge me.

… I should team up with Sebas and eliminate Wataru first. Then surrender to secure the runner-up position. This might be the most convenient outcome for me.

"Well, now that it's decided, I have to make a deal with Sebas…"

"Hmm? It seemed like that brat had made some kind of agreement with the hero during the match. Didn't you see it?"


As expected, Wataru was quick on his feet.


* * *


So without enough time for negotiation, the rematch of the final round began.

In an unprecedented situation for the Demon King Tournament, the rematch was brought about by mutual surrender. The Demon King, who was sitting in the VIP seats, graced us with his precious words.

"Listen, all of you. Fight with all your strength. Surrender will not be allowed."

Argh! This just made things even more difficult! Sitting next to the Demon King, Aidi and her shit-eating grin seemed to be telling me [Now you can fight seriously, right? You don't need to thank me].

If only they would change the championship prize to the [Divine Pajamas]! Then I'd seriously aim for the championship!

The spectators, who'd been shown boring matches with immediate surrenders in the finals, cheered at the Demon King's words. Damn it, I did fight properly against Asura! Is that not enough for these battle-junkies!?

"Kehma-san! Since the Demon King has said so… Please give it your all!"

"Hey Kehma, you heard the order from the Demon King… You understand, right?"

Wataru and Sebas headed towards their starting positions.

I also took my starting position, looking up at the sky, wondering what to do.


The referee's voice rang out. Immediately after, both Wataru and Sebas charged towards me at the same time.

… Probably as a result of their secret pre-match discussion, they decided to target me together.

"Sebas! Why don't we team up to defeat this hero?"

"I refuse."

"Tch… Then Wataru, how about we team up to take care of that butler and then have a serious match?"

"I decline. You're planning to lose on purpose if it's just the two of us, right Kehma-san?"

As expected, they both refused.

Swords swung down at me, followed by more swords and offensive magic. However, the power of the [Divine Blanket] was truly divine. I felt no anxiety as a barrier-like protection was deployed around me, stopping and erasing any attacks about 1 meter away. No matter how much they attacked, their attacks would not reach me.

Even if they tried to get behind me or dropped rocks on me from above, their attacks would smoothly avoid me as if sliding away.

"It's no use after all… Hmm."

Sebas momentarily distanced himself from me, while Wataru stubbornly continued his attacks.

"Kehma-san, what an incredible defense! What is this!?"

"… I suppose you could call it the power of love I borrowed from Rokuko?"

"Love! That's just like you, Kehma-san! Or should I say Rokuko-san in this case…? Alrighty then, I'll give it my all too!"

If I think about it, maybe I could settle for the runner-up by letting Wataru attack me until he's satisfied… Wait, but how am I supposed to lose with the Demon King forbidding surrenders…?

"Haahaaaa!! [Giga Slash]! [Meteor Crash]! [Vacuum Slash]!"

Hmm, that's at least the case so long as I'm wearing the [Divine Blanket]… maybe I could take it off to lose without being accused of holding back?

"[Charge]! [Charge]! [Charge]! … [Omega Break]!!"

Wait a minute! This [Divine Blanket] is borrowed from Rokuko in the first place, so it could be argued that it's not my power, right? In other words, taking off the [Divine Blanket] isn't me holding back, but actually just me declaring my intention to fight with my own power, which means it's me being [Serious], yeah?

"[Grand Bomb]! [Lightning Edge]…! [Charge Release], descend, pillar of lightning—[Lightning Pillar]! Burn, pillar of flame—[Flame Pillar]! Sprout, pillar of earth—[Earth Pillar]!!"

Alright, once one of us loses, I'll take off the blanket to show I'm serious and then lose. Let's do that.

"Haa—, haa—… Kehma-san, what is that, barrier…!? It's not budging at all!"

"Ah, sorry, I was lost in thought."

"… So my all-out attack was shrugged off while you were daydreaming?"

When I came to my senses, the ground around us was a mess. There were holes, scorched marks, and pillars sticking out. The wall of the arena in front of the audience also had scratches. It was as if a giant beast had gone on a rampage in a fit of anger.

On the other hand, only the area about one meter around me was left clean.

"… Heroes are amazing, huh?"

"Are you being sarcastic? Well, it's all thanks to you, Kehma-san."

"It's not me, it's Rokuko's love that's amazing."

"I see."

Speaking of which, is Sebas okay with all this damage? It seemed he had managed to avoid the attacks.

"Sebas-san has agreed to cooperate with me until I defeat you, Kehma-san. Don't worry, even if I use up all my power here and lose to Sebas-san, it will only damage the empire's prestige a little."

"… Isn't that a bad thing?"

"Hahaha! I can just go excel in some random war and easily regain that prestige! On the other hand, if I become the runner-up… I'll get the [Divine Pajamas] that you want so badly right? So make sure you go all out to defeat me!"

"Hmm… You're provoking me, Wataru."

Wataru, having caught his breath, readied his sword again.

How far is Wataru willing to go to make me go all out?

I guess I have no choice but to play along for a bit. Then, after defeating Wataru, I'll lose nicely to Sebas.

"Take this, [Elemental Shot]!"


With a clang, Wataru deflected the Elemental Shot with his sword.

"The holy sword [Ea] lent to me by Haku-sama is no joke."

"A holy sword, huh? I suppose you'd have one."

"Yes… But that magic of yours is incredible… I can barely deflect it with a holy sword enveloped in magical power."

I wonder what the difference is between a holy sword and a demonic one. Assuming it's a kind of demonic sword because it's lent by Haku… [Elemental Burst] would probably be too much for the sword to handle, but it might also kill Wataru if I'm not careful. Whatever, Wataru should be fine with his [Super Luck].

Then, Sebas approached. Without any apparent caution, he casually walked up to me.

"Hey, Kehma. Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Mm? What's up, Sebas?"

"I've been thinking about how to overcome that blanket of yours."

"… What?"

"Sleep. Peacefully… [Sleep]."

The moment Sebas muttered those words, I was suddenly overcome with sleepiness and I lost consciousness.