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Ch. 456

Released: 03/27/23

Translator: Ziru

In the Chaos God's Palm

One Man Response Team

For the time being, the King of Daido was a relatively decent person. To put it nicely, he was sincere, and to put it negatively, he was an honest coward. He had an un-kingly demeanor. He kept asking me to just take his life and spare the country.

"So long as my reign continues, I can guarantee your livelihood here in Daido."

I was somewhat attracted to his statement, but… well, I have Golen anyway.

I secretly emailed Haku-san about it and remembered that there was one more thing I needed to check.

"Well, I can understand your feelings. How is Toy Tindalos, the director of the Magical Research Institute, doing?"

"The Magical Research Institute… The director was Boom Samaso, but… we haven't been able to confirm his safety."

Oops, it seemed like the disguise was coming off in that area as well.

"Then have you managed to find a brown-skinned, dog-eared young girl?"

"Are you referring to a dog beastkin…? Fumu. Minister. Have we?"

"Yes, indeed. We found a child just as you described collapsed in Director Samaso's room and took her into protective custody. Is she an acquaintance of the Hero? She is currently in the castle's nursery."

It was surprising that there was a nursery in the castle, but it seemed that Toy was being taken care of like a regular lost child.

"It's frightening how little you know… That child is one of the perpetratorss of this whole mess. You should restrain her and throw her in jail, though she might still be able to escape."

"What…!? We'll secure her immediately! Do it!"

"Sir! Right away!"

"It might be a good idea to put a slave collar on her. You should seal her magic as well."

"Is she such a dangerous criminal?"

"Well, yes. Considering the possibility of brainwashing, I recommend not approaching her carelessly."

The minister and soldiers hurriedly moved to secure Toy. Well, I had a feeling that she'd probably still escape even with a slave collar on her.

At that point, I received a reply from Haku-san. Fast.

"Now, King of Daido. Let me convey the intentions of the Raverio Empire."

"Wh-what? Empire? What does the Raverio Empire have to do with this?"

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mention it earlier, but I am a noble of the Empire. It seems that I didn't cross worlds, so there's no need for you to take care of me in this country."

"What…!? But the magic formation for summoning heroes…"

"We have already confirmed that the culprit tampered with it."

"You know that much… You must be an excellent person, Hero—oh, I apologize. If you're not a hero, how should I address you?"

Speaking of which, I hadn't introduced myself to the king at all. I didn't even think about telling him my name since he kept calling me the Hero.

"I am Kehma Golen, a baron of the Raverio Empire. Please call me Baron Golen-sama."

"Baron Golen-sama… Ah, I've heard of you. You're an awe-inspiring figure whom even the Hero Wataru holds in high regard, and at the same time, an up-and-coming hero who can control dragons at will."

At will, huh… At best, I could only offer snacks to Igni and ask her to work for me.

"Ah, Minister. Here's my proof, if you could please confirm."

"I shall take a look… Hmm, King, there is no mistake. The Hero—Baron Golen-sama is indeed an official envoy of the Empire."

"What! I'm deeply sorry for all the inconvenience."

"No, no, we can discuss the compensation later… I have received a message from the founder of the Empire, Haku Raverio. Are you ready to hear it?"

"Yes! I'm all ears."

At that, King Daido and the minister knelt down, ready to listen… The power relationship with the Empire was quite apparent. I read aloud the lines written in Haku-san's email.

"This incident is a chaotic case, and therefore, Daido Kingdom itself will not be held responsible. Compensation for individual victims will be sent by an envoy at a later date. Continue to fulfill your duties as a king… That's the message."

"… Yes! We are grateful for the swift and lenient response!"

There was relief in the king's voice. It was natural to feel relieved now that the country and the king's safety were secured.

Just when I finally felt like I could catch my breath, the soldier who had gone to secure Toy earlier returned.

"Hero! I apologize, but could you come and confirm something?"

"Hey. This person is not only a hero but also Baron Golen-sama of the Raverio Empire. From now on, address him as Baron Golen-sama."

"Y-yes, Minister. Understood! Then, Baron Golen-sama, could you please come and confirm?"

After being corrected by the minister, I was now addressed as Baron Golen-sama instead of hero. In any case, I was curious about Toy's situation, so I decided to go and check.


* * *


"Here it is, Baron Golen-sama."

I was led by the soldier to an underground dungeon. Stone walls and iron-barred cells lined the area. It seemed that some other oddly filthy noblemen were also chained inside the cells, but I ignored them and proceeded to the very end.

There, instead of an iron-barred cell, there was a room with an iron door, and at eye level, there was a small window. It appeared to be an interrogation room.

"She's inside."

"Let me see…"

I opened the small window and saw a brown-skinned dog-eared girl, blindfolded and sitting quietly on a chair. She was wearing a gray prisoner's dress. A slave collar was around her neck, and her hands were tied behind her back. Seeing her like this, it pained me as it looked as if Niku was being restrained.

However, this was Toy, a pawn of the Chaos God. I couldn't let my guard down.

Since she referred to Niku as a failed creation, I should assume that she was stronger or surpassed Niku in various ways. Considering that, these restraints were probably appropriate.

"Is this girl really one of the culprits?"

"There's no doubt about it. Did she resist when she was captured?"

"No, she obediently listened to what we said and even accepted the collar herself. We restrained her just as you instructed, Hero—ah, Baron Golen-sama… I feel like we might have gone too far, though."

"I have no idea what she's planning, but don't let your guard down. I won't take responsibility if you're manipulated again."

Upon hearing my words, the soldier nervously swallowed his saliva.

"Um, what will you do now? Interrogate her?"

"Yes, I'll listen to her story right away… By the way, who has the authority over the collar?"

"Currently, the person who captured her—me—holds the rights, but I can transfer them to you, Baron. What would you like to do?"

I see.

And so, I once again found myself face-to-face with Toy.