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Ch. 519

Released: 10/04/2023

Translator: Ziru

Holy Kingdom Infiltration

Let's go sabotage! (3)

"Stop right there, you destroyer!"

"You think I'd stop just because you tell me to?! … Never thought I'd get to use that line for real."

I dodged the arrows and magic that the Saintess unleashed as I ran through the town of Kuromaku. Fortunately, the buildings in this town had fluttering decorations made of hardened cloth, making it easy to climb onto the roofs. Moreover, the Saintess hesitated to launch attacks at me when I stayed closer to the buildings, providing ample opportunity for me to get away. At first, stray attacks damaged buildings and blew away the soldiers who came to help, but she was starting to hesitate in her attacks and her arrows lacked the power to stick into the walls.

Heh heh, this Saintess. She seemed accustomed to wreaking havoc solo in Dungeons and seemed ill-suited to cooperation.

"Ugh, you're so slippery!"

"Haha, try to catch me if you think you can!"

Truth be told, being intercepted like this was part of the plan.

By causing this ruckus, I was serving as a diversion for the spies from Haku-san's group to gather information.

If it weren't for that, I wouldn't have leisurely engaged in this destruction after being reported. Whether the destruction was reported before or after it's done didn't matter. In any case, we'd planned for Haku-san's spies to act once I'd made a commotion.

They insisted on me drawing attention because they needed to investigate something. I was told to cause a prolonged commotion and draw forces to the outskirts if at all possible.

Although I hadn't expected my opponent to be the Saintess, it was a great miscalculation since it let me hold the attention of such a high-ranking power. Ordinary soldiers were also chasing after me, so there shouldn't be any problems with the setup.

Given my new appearance, I decided to show it off a bit.

By the way, I'd already handed over the captured researchers and the God's Nightcap to Haku-san's men, sneaking past the Saintess's gaze. After handing them over, my dash to the main street looked like an ordinary person desperately escaping a terrorist encounter.

… Hmm, just how many such people has Haku-san planted here…? Thinking about it, even if the Four Heavenly Kings' surveillance disappeared from our village, weren't there likely still watchful eyes disguised as ordinary adventurers? I couldn't help but start to feel some suspicions arise.

After all, adventurers were essentially pawns of Haku-san, the person in charge the Adventurer's Guild… If there were to be some request like [Investigate the Village Chief of Golen], anyone could potentially become a spy. Since the village had an inn, there was even a chance for non-adventurers to handle it.

"Spear of ice, pierce my enemy—[Ice Javelin]!"


A huge icicle around the size of an umbrella struck into the ground. I couldn't get too lost in thought or I'd get hit by an attack. I needed to focus on the present.

Soldiers were starting to cut me off up ahead so I scrambled up another black clothed wall to escape. Being on the roof weakened the attacks from the Saintess, after all.

"Ugh, you're so nimble!"

"You've said that one already. You're surprisingly short on vocabulary, Saintess."

"You sure are talkative! For someone trained in Dungeons like me, it's impressive that you're wearing me out!"

The Saintess chased me by climbing onto the roof and shouting, trying to catch her breath.

My body, being a Living Armor with the name Narikin, didn't really feel fatigue. Only my head had taken on a human form at that point, so I wouldn't become out of breath either.

However, as a magical being, a Living Armor used magical energy instead of physical stamina. I pulled out a mana potion from my [Storage] and drained it.

"Just how many stamina potions do you have…?"

"Nah, this? It's just a mana potion."

"Ah, so you're using [Body Strengthening]​ magic?"

Moreover, this mana potion was one of Soto's specialties. She'd replicated a boxload of mana potions that'd last about an hour, so I wasn't exactly going to run out. She'd refill that amount as needed, too… I could've bought them with DP of course, but since I needed to visibly pull them out from [Storage] in front of enemies, I decided to give half of the saved DP as an allowance to Soto, who was more than happy to cooperate.

She'd even conveniently taken them out of the box for easier drinking.

Yeah, getting your kid to help with the promise of pocket money… it felt very parent-child-like. Even if the task was for me to cause some mayhem.

Now that I'd distanced myself from the district where the church headquarters was located, it was about time to do more than just running. The Saintess would come back to life even if she died, so I had no need to hold back.

"Judgment Ray!"


"Oh, I missed?"

I said that as I unleashed [Elemental Burst] at the Saintess. Its appearance was similar, making it perfect for disguising as an original spell. The light she evaded disappeared into the sky.

"Were you, by any chance, able to nullify a royal-level light magic? Just who are you?"

"If I told you I'm a messenger from the gods, would you believe me?"

"You're not suggesting you're… an Angel?"

Well, I didn't specifically mention the Light God… but then again, I was originally a hero, so it wasn't wrong exactly.

Surrounded by soldiers, I flashed the Saintess a mysterious smile.

"Let me ask you, Saintess, did you really think the gods would allow such a thing?"

"Such a thing? What are you talking about?"

"Huh? That facility where you found me. Sorry, but I took the liberty of causing a bit of destruction."

The Saintess, who was the first to arrive on the scene, couldn't possibly not know about it. Rather, the fact that she didn't bring other soldiers suggested she knew it was off-limits without permission.

In other words, it implied that having that facility exposed was inconvenient.

And why might that be? The reason was evident.

"That place was a Dungeon, wasn't it? Why is there a Dungeon underneath Kurkomaku in this Holy Kingdom? Hey! Didn't the Light God command the destruction of all Dungeons?"


There weren't just soldiers. This was a residential area.

A residential area at night, true. It'd normally be mostly deserted, but that's only because people would usually be asleep. Given our commotion, however, many would probably have woken up. I felt guilty for rousing them, but might as well have them as spectators.

"Answer me, Saintess Alka! Why was there a Dungeon under this town!?"

In this situation, with a loud voice questioning the beliefs of the Light God—how will you respond, Saintess-sama?