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Vol. 1 Ch. 2

Released: 10/06/2023

Translator: Ziru

Volume One


"Been a good while since I came here…"

That evening, I found myself standing in front of a bar called SuioVerdant Cherry Blossoms.

By the way, I'd been in the library until just before this scouring through books Kyui pointed out.

At least the portion I actually had to read was kept to a minimum.

(Still though, Kyui's a beast at speed reading…)

Kyui seemed to be a bird skilled at information integration, organization, and retrieval. If its power weren't sealed, it'd probably be able to gather a ridiculous amount of personal information just by flying around for a bit.

Its curiousity also seemed to be above average. Kyui would flip through the pages of any book with interest, and before I knew it, it'd already read the whole thing.

Kyui was currently back at home house-sitting. It seemed it wanted to organize the information it had gathered.

"Excuse me."

With that, I was now at my part-time job. The owner, Morimura-san, was standing behind the counter.

"Ooh, Kougou! Been a while!"

"Hey, yeah, it's been a while. Sorry for calling you out of the blue."

"Don't worry about it! Man, I just had someone quit on me a bit ago so I was actually just about to start hunting for a new part-timer!"

I couldn't tell if he was being honest or if he just wanted to make me feel better, but I was grateful for his consideration anyway.

I was asking him to let me work part-time again all of a sudden. He probably knew I'd quit my job without me having to say it.

Morimuara-san didn't ask me about my circumstances either.

"So, what happened? You were working at a car dealership, right? Did you quit already? Hm?"

… Correction. He just hadn't asked yet! Well, I didn't really mind though!

"Ah, well… I just got sick of it, you know…"

"Ahaha! I see, I see. Burnout's a bitch, isn't it!"

Come to think of it, I still hadn't gone to the city office yet… let's deal with the paperwork later.

"You seem to be doing well, Morimura-san."

"Of course I am! Hey, go into the back to change."


I started changing once I got into the staff room. It's been a while since I put on this uniform…

Just as I finished getting dressed and returned to the counter, the door opened.

"Good moooorning~! … Huh, Manager? Who's that?"

Standing in front of the door was a cute girl with short twin tails.

She was somewhat short and had a modest chest, but most of all she looked really young.

Her eyes gave off a feline feeling though… like she permanently had a mischevous look to her.

"Hey Minekari! This guy's going to be a new part-timer here, he just started today!"

"Eeeh, really? Oh, my name is Kurumi Minekari."

"Touya Kougou. Good to meet you."

"Back at you. I didn't think we'd get a newbie though."

Strictly speaking, I'm not exactly a newbie… which is exactly what Morimura-san started explaining.

"Ah, Kougou was working part-time for me here back when he was in university. Well, he's back now!"

"Oh, so that's how it is! Then you're a senpai, right? … Huh?"

Kurumi tilted her head cutely and placed a finger on her cheek.

"Senpai, you're not a university student anymore, right? Why are you working part-time here? Ah, could it be a side job?"

"Nah, I quit the company I was working at yesterday. But I still need money, so I'm going to be working here for a while."

I was actually still an employee of the car dealership until the end of the month, but whatever.

Hearing my explanation, Kurumi narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"Heeh~? Senpai, are you a NEET?"

Her cute voice clearly held a hint of contempt and mockery.






"Fucking fuckity fuck!"

At around 5 AM, I had just returned home from my part-time job at SuioVerdant Cherry Blossoms.

Seeing me return, Kyui flew over.

[What's wrong? Weren't you out to earn some money?]

"Yeah, I earned some alright! I did, but…!"

By the way, since I had no clue how long I'd be working there, I just barely managed to get Morimura-san to agree to paying me daily.

With an hourly wage of ¥1,200 and me working from 7 PM to 4 AM, it came out to ¥10,000. Not too bad I guess.

In fact, it was more than what I was earning at the dealership.

Laying out my money on the table, I vented to Kyui.

"That kouhai girl, fuck… She looked down on me, even called me a NEET! God damnit, just because she's a little cute…!"

[Hoh! A cute girl, you say?]

"Yeah… there's no doubt she's cute. She was talking about attending a vocational school for voice actors or something…"

That's what made her voice so charming. I knew she was a bit too skilled at conveying emotion through her voice…!

[I would very much like to see her.]

"If I get the chance, sure. Anyway, I'm going to get some sleep. Here's some meat, eat what you want."

I pulled out some snack jerky I bought at the convenience store on my way home and opened it for Kyui, putting it on a plate.

I then got into bed.

[Hoh… This meat appears to have been preserved with a liberal amount of seasoning. Quite intriguing…]

Kyui muttered to itself in front of the jerky for a while, but I was soon out like a light.





I opened my eyes slowly. Glancing at my smartphone, I saw that it was at exactly noon.

(It's been a while since I've had a part-time job… but if I do this every day, it's going to mess up my sleep schedule…)

By the way, I could basically come in whenever I wanted to work.

There were various limitations to that of course, like having to let Morimura-san know by 3 PM that day if I was going to come in, or having to prioritize work if he asked me to come in, but…

"Anyway, it's easy to work there. And if I can earn ¥10,000 a day, I won't have any trouble making ends meet…"

My rent was also just ¥40,000 a month for a 1K apartment. I really couldn't thank Morimura-san enough…!

I got out of bed and started preparing lunch. I was thinking of having cup noodles with jerky today…

I picked up the bag of jerky and quickly found that it was completely empty.

"Uooooh1? Th-The jerky's goneeeeee!?"

[It was quite delicious. I would like some ale as well.]

"You ate it all!? All that!? How much can your stomach hold!?"

My precious meat…! How can your stomach hold that much meat…!?

"Sigh… I was looking forward to that jerky when I woke up…"

With a heavy heart, I started boiling water. But Kyui spoke to me in a serious tone.

[Touya, this world's food is rather intriguing. That cup noodle you're making right now is as well.]

"Really…? It's nothing special here, just a common, everyday thing."

I poured the boiled water into the cup noodles. Kyui was watching me do so with great interest.

[It's likely the result of the development of livestock and agriculture, the control of logistics costs, and the production technology of standardized products. Here, even commoners can buy it, but in other worlds, it'd be worth a fortune.]

"… Really?"

Commoners…? From what Kyui was saying, it seemed to have traveled through medieval worlds before the Industrial Revolution.

[In order to regain my power, your creampie life and money are indispensable. I have had an interesting thought.]


I started poking at the noodles with my chopsticks. It was a bit early, but it should be fine to eat. I added the soup base and it was done.

[Touya, what say you to traveling between this world and another, earning money through trade?]

"… Say what now?"

I listened intently to Kyui's proposal as I slurped up the noodles.

[Goods that can be bought here for a pittance can be sold for a high price in another world. This will solve your money problems, no?]

Savoring the taste of the noodles, I voiced the question that came to mind.

"… Can I really travel between worlds freely?"

[Not exactly. There are limitations. I was born in the Heroic Realm and I am the one who creates heroes in various worlds. In other words, I am the guide of heroes. And I… no, we. We always travel between predetermined worlds as directed by the great flow.]

"Uh huh…"

Kyui went on to explain its circumstances in more detail.

According to it, beings like Kyui were always traveling between specific worlds.

"So you go to a specified world, create a hero, and earn Hero Points… that's about what I heard yesterday?"

[Yes. As for the world you go to, you can't choose freely. And when the hero of that world earns enough Hero Points or dies, I return to the Heroic Realm.]

Then once back in the Heroic Realm, Kyui's Hero Points would be confiscated before being dispatched to another world… is what it seemed to be saying.

The world it'd go to at that time wasn't something Kyui could decide on its own.

[The world I will go to next has already been decided.]

"Ah, so that's why it was Earth."

[Incorrect. This world was chosen by the Elder as my place of exile. The world I was originally supposed to go to next is different.]

I see…? If Kyui hadn't used its Erotic Skills on the Elder's daughter, it would've gone to a different world from this one, created another hero, and then worked hard to earn Hero Points.

Still, not being able to return to your original world until you've earned a certain amount of Hero Points or your contractee dies… that's rough.

And then having all of its hard-earned Hero Points confiscated when it returned, only to be dispatched to another world… Kyui's job was pretty black company-like, huh…?

[The next world I was to be dispatched to is called Rebaal.]


[Correct. In that world, I can create a bridge.]

Meaning that it was possible to travel between this world and another as long as it was a specific world…?

"So, you want to bring stuff from here and make a profit over there?"


"… There are a few things I'd like to confirm."

[I'll allow it. Speak.]

Acting so high and mighty…! I mean yeah Kyui might actually be pretty important, but still!

"Is that world safe?"

[I'm uncertain as I've not been there myself. However, it's certain that the world called Rebaal is seeking a hero. Just like the worlds I've been to so far, there must be some reason they're seeking a hero.]

So I won't know until I go, but it seems to be somewhat dangerous…!

I knew that being a hero would only lead to a dangerous life…!

"I-If it's dangerous, I can come back at any time, right…?"

[… That should be the case.]

At least be more certain…! Why was there a pause before you answered!?

W-Well, Kyui hasn't been to that world yet either. I guess it can't be helped if it doesn't have any proof…?

But another world…! As someone who kept a black beast in his heart in middle school, it has a certain charm…!

"Still though. Even if I can trade, I'll only get money from over there, right? I can't use that here, can I?"

[We can use their money over there. You should be able to use it to some extent to release my Erotic Skills. And if you bring back rare things from over there and sell them here…]

"…! So you're saying I can convert it into usable cash here!?"

Right! I mean, I was thinking of selling you off somewhere at first…! Nowadays, you can freely buy and sell things with just a smartphone…!

Finished my cup noodles, I stood up energetically.

"Alright! Then let's go check it out! If it's dangerous, I can just come back!"

[Yes. It will be my first time in that world as well. It should be fine to just check it out at first.]

Man, I'm getting hyped just thinking about it…!

I changed into a more comfortable outfit and quickly got ready. Just in case, I left my smartphone and wallet behind, and decided to bring only a cheap multi-tool knife with me.

It was light and easy to carry, and I could probably use it myself if something happened. I was also curious about how much a cheap knife would be worth over there.

"Preparations complete! Let's go right away!"

[Heh… how eager of you. That's what I expect from my contractor. Then let's go…!] 。 Kyui landed on my head and flapped its wings lightly. My entire body was then enveloped in white light.

"—!? O-ooh…! Amazing…!"

Everything turned white. I was about to be transported to another world…!

"O… oooooOOOOOOH!?"

I never thought the day would come where I'd actually go to another world…!

When the light fades, I'll be in another world…!

I wonder if there'll even be a blonde elf beauty in front of me!?

Maybe I'll be dramatically introduced as a hero from some summoning ceremony conducted by a busty beauty…!

… To be honest, when I heard I could go to another world, I was thinking about stuff like that.

Yeah, I was thinking about it!

I mean come on, it's a world where Kyui, who has Erotic Skills, is taking me to! They're seeking a hero, you know!?

Even my right arm and left eye, after their dormancy all these years, have started to throb again!

However! What the hell is this situation!?

"I-I'm going to diiiiiiiie!!"

[Hmph… I never thought we'd be transported to such a high altitude…]

"Don't just state the obvious, do sooomethiiiiiing—!!"

When the light faded, I found myself up in the sky. I was currently falling towards the ground in accordance with the absolute law of gravity…!

Wait, you didn't have any sort of idea where we were going to end up!? What if we'd landed in the middle of an ocean…!?

"K-Kyui! Q-Quick, teleport us baaaack!"


Kyui was still clinging to my head. I could hear its ominous voice from above.

[It seems that with my current power, a single transfer was able to consume a significant portion of my energy. If you could find a suitable woman and… be intimate with her, I'd probably regain enough energy to get us back to your home…]


You've got to be shitting me!! We're going to fall straight down like this!!

"Whaat shoooould we doooo!?"

[Calm down. I will soften the impact when we hit the ground. You won't die, at least.]

"You sureeeeeeeeeee!?"

I've never even gone bungie jumping—! This floating feeling is making me so nauseous…!

And what do you mean by "soften the impact"!? I'm not going to die right!?

Despite my fear, I forced myself to look down at the ground. There, I could see a group of people.

"Wha—!? Kyui!? W-Wait, that's…!"

[I see them. It seems they're fighting a magical beast.]

"Magic beeeeast?!"

The heck's that!? When I looked closer, it was indeed a mysterious creature that fit the name "magical beast" perfectly.

It looked like an alligator with a huge belly…? It was probably about the size of a rhino…!?

At the very least it was something I'd never seen on Earth.

Surrounding that alligator were five people armed with swords and spears. Or rather…

"Th-That's…! If we keep falling like this, won't we land on the magical beast!?"

[It appears so.]

"Oh shit!"

[Stop worrying. It will be fine, you'll land on top of the magical beast. In the split second before we land, I'll harden your body with the little power I have remaining.]


With that, before I even had time to brace myself, I fell directly onto the magical beast.


"What the—!?"

However, there was no impact on my body. On the contrary…

"Th—… that's…!"

I was standing upright on top of the magical beast without feeling any sort of pain.

It seemed like Kyui's mysterious ability had worked perfectly.

"I… I—I—I—… I'm alive…"

"Wh—… who are you…?"


I turned to see the same five armed individuals I'd seen from above staring back at me.

Out of the group, there was only one woman.

[Perfect. Ask that woman's group some questions.]


[Yes. Only you are able to hear my voice. I will provide you some support for your conversation.]




"Are you truly unhurt?"

"Uh… yeah. Mostly…"

Thanks to Kyui's support, I was having a conversation with the woman who appeared to be the leader of the group… Aria.

She had strikingly red hair and, from a quick glance, I could tell she was thicc below the waist.

Red hair, huh… is that her natural hair color…? The others don't have black hair either…! I really did come to another world…!

"Anyway, thank you for your help. We would've been able to kill the magical beast, but we would've had some injuries on our side."

It seemed that in this world, creatured known as magical beasts were rampant. Aria and her group were apparently hunters who hunted these magical beasts.

"But where did you come from, Touya-san? You appeared to have fallen from the sky…"

"Uh… well, ahahaha…"

I mean, I did fall from the sky! My heart's still pounding!

As I struggled to come up with a response, Kyui came to my rescue. I spoke the words Kyui told me to.

"I was conducting a special experiment using magic…"

… Huh? A… magic… experiment…?

Just as I was about to question what the hell I was even talking about, Aria's eyes widened in surprise.

"What…!? So you're a mage…! I had a hunch since you didn't appear to have the physique of a warrior, but…!"

"… Huh?"

… A mage…?

As I struggled to understand, Kyui's voice reached my ears.

[In your world, Touya, we weren't able to observe such a strong magical power, but in many other worlds, magical power is abundant. There was plenty of magical power in this world, so I predicted that there would be mages as well… and it seems I was right.]

…! So it looks like I've arrived in a full-blown fantasy world…!

Now that I think about it, Kyui did refer to my smartphone as a magical tool…! To Kyui, this sort of fantasy world is probably normal.

"To be honest, I've been holed up in my workshop for a long time. I don't know what's going on outside, or even where this is. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me some things…"

"That's no problem. We were just about to return to the Imperial Capital of Kainzberg. If you'd like, we can guide you there."

"… Thanks."

Aria's subordinates cut up the magical beast's meat and loaded it onto the carriage.

… So they're going to eat it or something? Won't it start smelling pretty bad after a few hours though?

As I was riding in the carriage, Aria told me various things about this world.

"The Kainzbern Empire…"

"Yes. It's the largest country on the continent, and the Imperial Capital of Kainzberg is the largest city in terms of population… Touya-san, didn't you come from the Imperial Capital?"


Of course I didn't!

But even if I said that I was from Earth, they definitely wouldn't understand… I was troubled, but Kyui came to my rescue. I continued speaking as Kyui told me to.

"I-I used to live in the Imperial Capital, that's for sure…! But I lost some of my memories after the experiment…"

"That's quite unfortunate. But it's rare for a commoner to have magical power… and since the Imperial Capital is so large, I'm sure we'll find someone who knows you!"

Aria, believing that I'd truly lost my memories, told me many things. About the empire, magical beasts, and even mages.

By the time she'd finished covering the basics, we were finally approaching our destination.

"Is that…?"

"Yes. That's the Imperial Capital of Kainzberg."

"Woah…! I can see the castle…!"

A large city surrounded by castle walls was visible in front of us.

It's so huge…! And there's a city outside the castle walls too…!

Additionally, I could even see a huge castle. Or rather, it was already huge from this distance. I'm sure if I saw it up close, I'd doubt the level of architectural technology.

"… Does seeing the capital job any of your memories? It's the largest city on the continent after all."

"Ooh…! I feel like I've seen it before…! I think…!"

Well, this is the first time I've come to another world, let alone its capital…! I'm getting pretty excited!

As we moved through the city outside the castle walls and towards the gate, I saw that the main street was as wide as a 10-lane highway. Naturally, the gate was also huge.

Really, how did they build this with this level of civilization? Magic? It's gotta be magic, right!?

"Can a foreigner like me enter?"

"Yes, there shouldn't be any issues. Traders from various places come to the capital. If we were to restrict entry, it'd be endless. Ah, but. You can't enter the noble district, of course."

Apparently, there was another set of castle walls beyond the first. The area contained within that was the noble district.

The carriage carrying me passed through the castle walls and we finally entered the capital.


As expected of the largest city on the continent, the inside of the castle walls was bustling with people.

The energy's something else…! It's completely different from Tokyo…!

"Welcome to the Imperial Capital, Touya-san. Ah, I'll tell you where you can find some easy part-time work and where the inns are. There are a lot of people in the capital, so I'm sure you'll meet someone who knows you."

Aria, ever the hospitable woman, even gifted me some money.

She'd be able to make money by selling the magical beast's meat, and given that I was the one who'd killed it… well, that was her reasoning at least.

Just like that, my journey in this other world known as Rebaal began.

The city of a world I'd come to for the first time. I'm sure I'd be able to enjoy myself just by looking around.

But before that, there was something I needed to confirm. So I asked Kyui about it, but…

"Whaaaaat!? I can't return right away!?"

[Of course not. With my current state, teleporting consumes a significant amount of my power. However, the solution to this issue is rather simple. You simply need to have sex with a woman.]


I was currently in a cheap room at some inn that I'd rented with the money Aria had gave me, discussing things with Kyui.

"Have sex with a woman…!?"

[My power recovers by a certain amount when you, as my contractor, are intimate with a woman and are able to complete things… properly. How is that? Is it easy to understand?]

"Eeh—ehh—! That's just—!"

Come to think of it, didn't Kyui mention something like that right when we arrived in this world…!?

So I can't return to Japan if I don't find a woman to get intimate with…!? What the hell is this!?

"… Huh?"

[What's the matter?]

"I can't find the multi-tool knife I put in my pocket. Did I drop it when I was flailing around in the sky…?"

[… Hmm.]

I can't even trade like this…! My reason for coming to another world was already disappearing…!

While I was lost in thought, I recalled the sight of the women I'd seen in the capital.

(She said it was the largest city on the continent… Maybe that's why there are so many different races here…?)

Yeah. Unlike where I was from, this place was home to women of various races. There were women with golden hair and blue eyes, women with skin as white as snow, and even women with an exotic aura about them.

Their clothing was exotic, too. It was the sort of clothing that makes you think, "This is a fantasy world…!" Some of them were even wearing slightly erotic clothing. In other words…

(I—I want to do them…! Having the chance to fuck someone from a fantasy world, I gotta do it…!)

Even in my current circumstances, my desires remained unchanged.

There was also a pretty high percentage of beauties. Being able to be with women that'd be far out of my league back on Earth… isn't that the real charm of another world…!?

[We'll worry about that at another time. For now, your focus should be on returning to Earth…]

"Y-Yeah… Do you have a plan?"

[Yes… Do you remember what Aria mentioned earlier, that job referral agency?]


People would gather from all over in the Imperial Capital. As a result, there were employment agencies in place to ensure immediate job placements for such individuals.

By going to one of those, I should be able to get a day's wage from a casual labor job.

[You can work there for a while to earn some money, then visit a brothel to be with a woman. You could also attempt accosting someone in the night as that would be the quickest way back to your world.]

"Why would I do something so dangerous!?"

Ugh…! I only wanted to take a peek at another world, but now it looks like I might have to live here for a while..!?

"So I still can't escape having to work by coming to another world, huh…?"

[The methods of making money are fairly similar everywhere. There's no use just sitting around here. Let's go for a walk outside for a bit.]

"Yeah, yeah."

It's true that just talking here wouldn't do much to change my current situation. Besides, I came to another world, so I want to look around and see things too.

As I stepped out of the inn, Kyui immediately perched on my head. And so, I walked around the city with it on my head.

Young children would occasionally point at my head.

"… Hey, Kyui?"

[What is it?]

"Could you at least sit on my shoulder or something?"

[Hmm. Let's go down that dimly lit alley.]

"… …"

I, basically being controlled like a puppet by Kyui, followed its directions.

It really felt like I was in another world, seriously…

As I walked, each and every last one of the women I passed were beautiful. They were all so exotic and foreign.

I was so capitivated by one of the passing women that I didn't notice the voice calling out to me until I'd already passed a certain stall.

"Hey there, Onii-san."


The vendor was a young guy, just a bit younger than me.

Looking down at his wares, I saw a variety of silver accessories. There were even some beautiful stones mixed in.

"I don't have enough money to buy anything, sorry."

"Haha, that's a shame. But more importantly, that's quite the unusual outfit you're wearing."

"… Is it?"

The clothes I was wearing were just a cheap shirt and jeans that you could buy anywhere in Japan. But the vendor was looking at my jeans in particular.

"What kind of material are they made of? They seem to be made of a very fine material…"

I realized what he meant when I compared my clothes to those of the people walking around the city. They were indeed somewhat unusual.

I probably stood out quite a bit.

"Well, I just sort of bought them at random."

"Heeh…? Listen, Onii-san. If you don't mind, would you sell me those clothes?"


He wants my clothes…?

"I'll prepare some replacement clothes, of course. And I'll pay you properly, too."

"… … …"

I suddenly had an idea, and it seemed Kyui had the same idea.

"Depending on the price, I might consider it."


"Yeah… To be honest, I just arrived here in the Imperial Capital and I'd love to take the opportunity to have some fun with women."

"… I see?"

Judging by the vendor's reaction, he seemed to have understood what I was saying. He smiled wryly.

"I know just the place to recommend."

"Negotiations complete… I guess."

Alright…! I've unexpectedly gotten my hands on some money…! If I go to a brothel now, I should be able to return to Japan…!

I received the replacement clothes and changed in the alley. I then handed the vendor my jeans and shirt.

"Thanks! Here's 150,000 Eruk! You should be able to have fun anywhere with that much!"


"Nii-san. I recommend a place called Peach Cream. I have a referral ticket for it, so you should use it if you can."

"A referral ticket?"

"Yeah, Peach Cream is a place where you need a referral ticket to get in."

From what he went on to explain, the place was frequented by men looking for a romantic partner. You could also eat and drink there, but it was a bit more expensive than other places.

Maybe it's like a bar where you can freely approach and talk to people? Or maybe it's more like one of those matchmaking service places?

Either way, consider my interest piqued…! I came to another world, so I might as well enjoy myself!

"Thanks man! I'll go check it out right away!"

"Sure, go have some fun! Oh, and if you have any more clothes to sell, bring them to me!"

"You got it!"

With Kyui still perched on my head, I happily headed towards the store I'd been referred to.

The main street felt completely different compared to the back alleys. It was a bustling commercial district. But I didn't dislike this atmosphere either!

"This place has a great vibe…!"

Although Japan had places like this too, it was a red-light district. Moreover, it was said to be the largest city on the continent.

I found myself on a street lined with numerous brothels just like what the street vendor had told me.


This area was completely filled with such establishments.

There were girls in risqué outfits that barely hid their intimate parts standing behind glass windows and luring in passing men.

"This is amazing…!"

[Mhmm. Women truly are beautiful…]

This! This is it! The otherworldly fantasy I was looking for!

Sure, beautiful women with Japanese features and jet-black hair are great and all, but being in another world… I wanted to mingle with a blonde, blue-eyed beauty or someone with an exotic flair!

This place was just like what you'd see in games and manga. The appearance rate of a beauty was as high as expected.

After soaking in the sights for a while, I finally arrived at the store I was looking for, Peach Cream.

"Oh, here it is!"


The establishment resembled a somewhat shady lounge. Compared to the surrounding stores, it had a certain level of luxury to it.

"Onii-san, is this your first time here?"

A woman with orange hair and blue eyes spoke to me while showing off her cleavage. Ooh…!

I took the referral ticket out from my pocket.

"Ah, yes. I actually have a referral ticket…"

"Oh~, you really do~. Welcome, welcome~. Come on in~. I'll show you to your seat~"

Following the woman, I climbed the stairs. Her figure was crazy good…!

"If it's your first time here, allow me to explain the rules of our establishment!"

"Please do!"

There were several rooms inside the venue. It seemed that the girls each had their own private spaces to enjoy their time. Male customers would visit the room of the girl they were interested in and enjoy conversation and a meal with them.

It reminded me a bit about how visiting karaoke rooms with female hosts I guess. That said, it seemed like both male and female visitors were looking for a romantic partner, so it was essentially a matchmaking service.

Upon entering, the main area had multiple large sofas lined up where seeral male-female pairs were engaged in lively conversations. There were also several doors leading to private rooms.

Walking along the corridor, my eyes caught a portrait of a girl that caught my interest.

"… Who is this?"

"That's Mimina-chan. Let me see… oh, her room is available at the moment."

"I'd love to meet Mimina-chan! Please!"

"Certainly. This way, if you would."

"I'm looking forward to this…!"

The girl I chose was named Mimina-chan. She epitomized the class blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty I'd been imagining.

… Well, this was the sort of place that used Panel Magic. The photos… rather, the illustrations were more attractive than the actual person, so I couldn't just believe it as is.

But man, this portrait's quality was top-notch…!

"Sorry for the wait. This will be your room."

I quickly knocked on the door and entered the room. There, Mimina-chan was sitting.

"Ah, hello there. Hehe… it's the first time I've seen someone come in with a bird on their head. What's your name?"

"Oh… oooh…!"

Hot damn…! She's incredibly cute…—!

Mimina-chan was just as beautiful—if not more—than her portrait suggested.

From my trained eyes, she was 155cm tall and had E-cup breasts.

Her long blonde hair waved gently. That wasn't all…!

(She's wearing such a risqué outfit, just barely covered by thin fabric… I can clearly see where her nipples are positioned! And her ass is drool-worthy! Being able to talk privately with such a beauty… This alone is already too much!)

I ordered drinks for the both of us and took a seat next to Mimina-chan, engaging in small talk.

"Eeh~? So you just recently came to the capital?"

"Yeah! I'm a bit of a country bumpkin, so believe it or not I'm actually crazy nervous right now!"

"Ahahah! You don't look it at aaall~!"

While we chated amicably, I couldn't help but lock my eyes onto Mimina-chan's chest. Her exposed thighs were also incredibly distracting, so much so that blood had been rushing to my lower half the entire time…!

I couldn't stop myself. After all, this was another world and this was my first time chatting to a fantasy world beauty wearing such a dangerous outfit.

I was so happy and nervous that other people probably would have been able to tell that I wasn't really used to talking with women. As we ordered more drinks, Mimina-chan began to wrap her arm around mine.

"M—… Mimina-chan…?"

"Hehe… Touya-san, you're so cute… You've been nervous this whole time, haven't you…?"

"Y—… yeah…"

She was able to see just how unused to the charms of city women I was. However, Mimina-chan was so kind as to gently touch my hardening crotch through my pants.


"This spot here is tense, too… Hey, Touya-san. This room is my private room, you know?"

Mimina-chan touched her cheek to mine and whispered sweetly in my ear.

"How about we… have some fun together?"


As soon as she finished with her sweet whisper, Mimina-chan's cute face was right in front of mine. A moment later, our lips met.

"Nn… Now, Touya-san… will you… take off your clothes…?"

There was no way I could refuse now…! Well, I was already planning on doing it from the start, but still!

It was my first time having sex with someone from another world. My dick was so excited that it was pulsing painfully in my pants.

By the way, Kyui was observing us intently from a short distance away.

We took off each others' clothes.


"When you look at me like that… it's a bit embarrassing…"

Mimina-chan's giant breasts even had appropriately large nipples.

Her thighs were just as erotic in various ways.

And her pussy was well taken care of, fully shaved. That was erotic too…!

It was decided, I'd be staying in this room…! I disrobed and immediately clung to Mimimna-chan, sucking on her plump breasts.

"Ahn—… Hehe, you're like a baby~."

S-So soft…! I kept on sucking her nipple while rubbing the other like crazy.

Man could I keep doing this forever…! I'll run out of time if I do that though…!

"Nnn…—-. Touya-san, the way you're playing with my nipple… it's so lewd…"

While I was using one hand for her tit, my other was crawling down toward her crotch. It reached her vagina.


Soft here too…!

I continued to move my hand as if I was massaging the entire thing, making sure to apply pressure to her clitoris. I then gently pressed my finger between her vulva.

Oooh…! She's already getting wet…!

"Mimina-chan. I'm ready…!"

"Ehehehe~. Alright. Let's get Onii-san's dick into my… … Huh?"

When Mimina-chan looked down, she saw my penis standing at attention and ready for duty.

Wanting to connect with Mimina-chan as soon as possible, it was pulsing rhythmically.

"It—… it's… so big…"

Well, yeah. It felt like it was getting even bigger though.

Maybe it's because I was about to have sex with a beauty who was literally out of my world, but I was so excited that he was practically bursting at the seams.

Whatever! Fucking Mimina-chan's the only thing that matters right now…!



I pressed Mimina-chan down onto the bed. Below me in full view was Mimina-chan's ass.

Her giant cheeks were luscious. I grabbed her by the waist and lifted her ass off the bed.

"W-Wait. It's so big, I've never seen one so—…! Be gentle…"



I couldn't hold back my excitement any longer, suddenly driving my cock into the deepest parts of her pussy from behind.

Heavenly…! I was fucking a big-titted beauty from another world…! Bareback sex…! I-It felt so good…!

"Wha—…!? H-How, can it…!? G-Go so… sooo~ deeep~…!"

Mimina-chan's pussy was super hot. I could feel it twitching and wriggling as it welcomed my presence inside.

But what an erotic ass…! So fleshy and bouncy…! I could've got off to it alone…!

"Hyah!? W-Wa—waaaait…—!?"

I firmly latched onto Mimina-chan's hips and began to piston into her excitedly.

Plap, plap, plap, plap. The sound of my flesh slamming into hers echoed through the room.

Mimina-chan's hips were twitching and, unable to continue holding herself up, bent her arms in order to let her upper body fall to the bed.

"Hyahn…—! O-Oooooh…! M-My pussy's—i-it's getting pounded…! Y-Your cooooock…—! I-It's so—so big…—!"

She soon had no strength left in her legs either, gradually falling fully onto the bed.

However, I forcibly lifted her waist up to continue exactly as I had been.

I wasn't thinking about her at all, only thinking of making it better for myself. Mimina-chan simply had no strength left to give in her lower half.

"You feel so good, Mimina-chan…!"

"Higya—!? Y-Your cock—it's so deep…! I—I can't be satisfied…—by other cocks… anymoooooore—…—! Hyaaaaiiii—!? I—I can't take it…—! My—my pussy will never—never forget your cock's shape…!"

Saying something so hot…! I had no clue if she was just paying me lip service, but that didn't matter to me.

Yeah. The most important thing was that I was literally fucking Mimina-chan, a fantasy world beauty…!

I wonder if it's been hard for Mimina-chan to keep her ass up this whole time?

I put Mimina-chan down onto the bed with my dick still inside her. Then, sandwiching her thighs between my knees, I resumed hammering into her in the sleeping back sex position.

"Ah—aaahn—! M-My clit…! It's rubbing, the bed…!"

I smacked Mimina-chan's ass with both hands before grabbing back onto her. Crazy bounciness…!

Her asshole was so cute I couldn't help but start to play with it with the tip of my finger.

"Ihyah—!? Nnn, nooo…—! D-Don't touch…—my ass… right now…—!"

So… she wants more?

I carefully drew my finger down her ass, centered on her asshole. Each time I did so, Mimina-chan let out a moan as her vagina gripped harder onto my dick.

"I-I'm—already…! C-Cumminggggg…!!"

About time…! It would've been unfortunate if it went with the whole she can't ever cum pattern after I'd gone this far.

I grabbed onto Mimina-chan's arms and pulled on her from behind as she headed towards her climax. Continuing, I pulled her upper half hard enough she started to bend upwards.


Mimina-chan, whose back was facing me, would've been quite the sight to see from the front, her boobs bouncing like crazy.

Thinking about what she'd look like from the other angle, I began to relentlessly press myself into her.

"Hyaahn—! Ah—hyah—!? Nnn, nnnn, aaaaah…—!! Nnaah, phew, haaah…—!! A—ahn, n-noo…—!! It's t-too… strooonnnggg…—!! Y-Your dick…—!! It's hit—hitting… my womb… aaaaah…—!!"

Even now, her pussy was leaking sex juice like no tomorrow…! It was getting easier and easier to thrust my dick into her…!

I don't know if it's just something normal in this world, or if it's just that my dick's made her feel so good… but oh my fucking god! This is the best…!

"I'm going to cum all the way inside…! Feel how much I cum in you…!"

"Nguu, c—cum…—! Stain—stain me…—!! Stain my womb… with all your cum…—!!"

Stopping my thrusts to press myself against the entrace to her womb, I felt it start.

The next moment, an explosively strong force shoved its way through my dick… and for the first time ever, I ejaculated into a fantasy world's beauty.

"Higyuuuuuuuuuuu…—!? I-It's coming out…—! From such a h—huge cock…!! I can feel it… shooting into me!!"



"Kuh…—!! F-Feels so, so good…!!"

Giving a beauty I'd just met a creampie…! Fuuuuuuuck…!

My excitement continued through my ejaculation, sending more and more cum into her—more than I though I'd ever thought I could let out. Each time more pumped out into her pussy, she convulsed all over again.

"Ngyuiiii…—!? S-Seriously…!! I-I'm going to, get pregnant…!! I-I know it…! My womb… it's so… hooooot…—!!"

Mimina-chan's reaction was seriously erotic…!

This would be easily handled by Kyui's contraception Erotic Skill though.

It was an Erotic Skill that could supposedly be activated so long as Kyui or I willed it.

"Nhyiii—!? Your dick, how's it still… ejaculating…!? Wait…—!! I-If it goes any deeper…!! I-It'll go inside…!!"

Paying no mind to her, I pressed my hips forward, the head of my dick slowly pressing deeper.

No one in this world knew me. I quit my job, so it's not like I could just do what I wanted in Japan.

I'd rather spend half a month here living like this… that doesn't sound so bad…?

"Heeee!? You're cumming… more…!? S-So strong, againnnn…!! I-It's going in… inside…!!"

Yeah, that's right…! I want to get a new lover here…!

I want to find a bride who can conceive my child here…!

Reaching a decision, my determination renewed my stiffness.

(I have a few minutes left…! Well, I'm still cumming anyway…!)

Short term goal decided! Thinking that, I pulled my dick out.


A moan made its way from Mimina-chan's mouth.

With my dick all the way out, the fresh semen I'd pumped into her spilled out from her wide-open vagina.

"Haaahn… M-My pussy… is exhausted…"



Grabbing Mimina-chan's legs, I flipped her body over.

Her legs spread, opening her up.


I was so excited about her giant ass that I just did her from behind, but damn…!

Now that I could see her from this position, Mimina-chan's shaved pussy with my semen dripping out of her was just so… so erotic!

But I don't have the time! Even though I want to continue…!

I fully regained my size and hardness, bringing it toward Mimina-chan.

"Eeeh…!? B-But you just came… h-how…!?"

As expected, Mimina-chan didn't think I'd be intending to do it again with the small amount of time we had left.

But I was serious. Pressing the head of my dick against her, I kept it just out of entering.

"W-Wait…! Th-The time…! And, and I… I just caaaame!?"

Somehow suppresing my impatience, I positioned myself.

And then immediately pushed my dick all the way inside her.

"Oh… ah…"

"Kuh…! M-Mimina-chan…!"

I began pressing against her uterus in the missionary position.

I was able to see my dick slam in and out of her shaved pussy.

"Hyuguh!? A—Aaaahnn—!! Nnn!! M-My pussy…! I-It's sensitive… right noooow—!!"

It was sliding in and out easier now that I'd finished in her already…!

With my dick hard as a rock, it rubbed against the top of Mimina-chan's vaginal wall firmly.

Mimina-chan's urethra was probably getting squashed.

"Ah-Aaaahn—! R-Right there…! N-No, it—it's so, gooood…—!! Haau!? L-Like that…!! I-I'm…—!!"

Mimina-chan's already small hole was tightening even further around me.

So good…! Her giant tits were swaying up and down in pace with my thrusts…!

What a ridiculously lewd body…!

"T-Touya… san…—!! I-I'm…!! C-cu—cumming…—!!"

Almost out of time…! Gotta end it here…!

Pushing myself over Mimina-chan, I put my entire body weight into my thrust.

My face approached hers. Mimina-chan had been looking at me with an intoxicated look, but now she was opening her lips, showing her tongue.

"… …!"

Taking her tongue as an invitation, I pressed mine into her mouth and our tongues wrapped around each other's.

But I didn't stop thrusting into her. Our waists that had been moving back and forth just a moment before were now moving up and down.

I had changed the angle of my thrusts, after all.

With her vagina facing straight upward and me plowing her from above, my tip pressed its way through her cervix.

"Nn, nnnnchyuuu…!! Nnnaah, nnnnnnnnahahhh!? Oh—oh…!!"

The places my dick was pressing against the most changed slightly.

Every time I thrusted, Mimina-chan's tongue shook.

She grabbed my head with both hands and pressed her lips against mine even more forcibly.

Repositioning my lips against hers, I forced my tongue further into her mouth.

"Nnaaaah, n—nnn—!? Haaau, nn…—!!"

I-It's about to… come out…!

Like a piston piledriving her from above, I kept thrusting into Mimina-chan.

Mimina-chan's tongue trembled along with the two legs she'd wrapped around my waist. By increasing the force of my thrusts, so too did her pussy squeeze my dick.

Kuh…! Mimina-chan…! You're so great as pleasing a man…!

There's no way anything could feel this good…! Quick… I need to creampie her…!


With every last bit of weight I had, I pressed deeper—deeper—deeper into her. My dick made a straight shot all the way through her vagina, all the way to her womb.

I then stopped thrusting and positioned myself, making sure that I could shove the head of my dick into her womb.


Mimina-chan couldn't hold back her voice despite our tongues writhing around each other's.

I was persistently pressing against her cervix, weakening it until Mimina-chan's pussy surrendered.

Then it happened. I began ejaculating inside her for the second time.

"————!? —, ———…—!?

Her whole body shook.

Kuh…! What an amazing orgasm…!

Just having sex with a blonde busty beauty would have been enough to excite me…!

I poured my heat into Mimina-chan's womb, staining it with my desires.

Aah…! I was mating with this woman…!

Moreover, since I was above her, both my semen and saliva dribbled down her.

Mimina-chan, bearing my weight, had no choice but to continue accepting everything I had to give, unable to resist.

"Nhyuuuu…—!? Nn!? Aaah~…—!?"

Even if I know I have the contraceptive active…! This is the sort of orgasm you only get when you breed with a woman…!

My sperm was rampaging, trying to conquer Mimina-chan's womb.

My dick wouldn't stop twitching inside her steamy vagina, shooting out more and more semen each time.

Each time I thought about how my male desires were staining her womb, I was filled with even more desire to control her.

With that, I'd managed to ejaculate a second time in the amount of time I had remaining.




I exited the establishment after thoroughly enjoying my release inside Mimina-chan and found myself in a dimly lit alley. There, I conversed with Kyui.

"… Was that enough?"

[Indeed. Since Touya finished inside her and made sure she reached her own climax, some of my power has returned. We can go back to Japan now.]


But Mimina-chan…! She was absolutely amazing!

Even though she must be experienced, she was shivering and quivering all over! I could really feel how much she enjoyed it…!

There are many people in this world with hair and eye colors I've only seen in games…! I want to continue enjoying intimate moments with various women here…!

"I wasn't sure what would happen, but…! I'm glad we can safely go home now…!"

[Indeed. The next time we come to this world, to ensure we don't transfer to the sky again, I'll mark this spot.]

With that, Kyui began to flap towards the wall. At the same time, it seemed as if some sort of emblem momentarily appeared on the wall. Or at least, I thought it did.

[There. With this, we can transfer directly here next time.]

"Wow…! That's convenient…!"

[It's not like I can mark places indefinitely with my current strength.]

By the way, I remembered something I was curious about and decided to ask.

"Kyui, weren't you originally supposed to create a new hero in this world?"

[That's right.]

"But since I formed a contract with you and your power was sealed… there won't be any new heroes in this world, right? … Is that really okay?"

From what I'd heard, Kyui couldn't return to the Heroic Realm until either it or its contract holder died.

But Kyui didn't seem bothered about it at all.

[Is that all? From the moment the elder sealed my power, I was no longer able to fulfill my mission. In other words, how I live from now on is entirely up to me.]

Hmm…? Well, the one who sealed my power was the elder himself, so I no longer have any obligation to earn Hero Points for the Heroic Realm… is what it means, right?

I, who had contracted with Kyui, currently didn't have the power to be a hero…! Wait, that's right!

[Well, given that this world was seeking a hero, some sort of conflict is bound to happen…]

"Hey, Kyui! When I was with Mimina-chan earlier, it felt like my dick was bigger than usual! And even after finishing, I still had the vigor to continue!"

I interrupted Kyui, bringing up the thing that had been bothering me about my time with Mimina-chan.

"And the moment I came, Mimina-chan seemed to climax too, it didn't feel like she was acting at all…! She gripped so hard…! Do all women in this world react like that when you finish inside them…!?"

[That's what you're curious about? Heh… I should have expected you to notice that.]

"… Huh?"

Kyui landed on my head once again. Looks like that spot seemed to have become its favorite…!

[My contractors are granted certain abilities.]

"… Abilities…?"

[In my prime, I could grant a body capable of overpowering thousands and a robust mind. While that is impossible to me right now, there is still one particular ability I am certainly able to grant.]

Kyui was a bird that had modified its own Skills into Erotic Skills in order to better enjoy women writhing in pleasure. Given I knew that much, I could guess what ability it was talking about.

[That is, the ability to enlarge one's penis and force women to climax when you ejaculate inside them.]

"I knew it!!"

Come on, seriously…!?

So thanks to Kyui, I've gained a more robust sexual vigor and a dick that's larger than I'd had before…! And I can force them to cum when I finish in them…!

"Holy crap…!"

[Heh… My previous contractors never realized the greatness of this power… But it seems that you, Touya, understand it well…!]

"Yes, yes…! Making a woman cum by finishing inside her is basically cheating…! I gotta try it on women who say they never cum…!"

[To forcibly bring a woman who claims such ridiculousness as being unable to climax from a penis doing that very thing…! Well done, Touya…! I adore that sort of scenario…!]

What a great thing my body has become…!

And that'll work in Japan as well!? I have to test this on as many women as possible in both worlds…! I just have to make them cum over and over…!

"For now, let's spend the night in that cheap inn and head back to Japan in the morning."

[That is agreeable. But while we're here, it would be nice to bring something back…]

"Yeah, something to trade."

[Exactly. I would prefer to eat meat every day and I want to quickly unseal my Erotic Skills. Money is essential for that.]

Right… without my part-time job in Japan, I'd quickly run out of funds…

"In that case, I should use the money I have left to buy something suitable and head back."
