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Ch. 517

Released: 04/24/23

Translator: Ziru

Holy Kingdom Infiltration

Let's go sabotage! (2)

After offering a half-hearted prayer to the Light God, like, "These are your believers, so protect them," so I quickly headed toward the central power room.

It wouldn't work without a power source. Since its power source was a divine artifact, it wasn't something that could be easily replaced.

… Then again, since it's a theocracy, could there be a spare divine artifact?

Considering it's being used as the power source for a suspiciously giant magical tool, it's possible… I guess I'll stick with the plan to thoroughly destroy the magical tool as well.

Peeking into the power room, I saw four men in white coats who looked like researchers as well as two security guards. The same number as what was confirmed the other day with the mice. The guards were standing there silently and using their spears as canes. Thanks for the hard work.

… Let's cast [Sleep] on them. I mean, I still have a resistance to killing people myself. Especially since I was the one attacking them so one-sided this time…

There was no need to kill them since the goal was to destroy the facility. I could capture them alive and submit them as information sources to Haku-san. I won't be involved in whether they'll be able to return alive afterward or if they'll experience something worse than death, so that's fine! If they die, just do it out of my sight please.

"Sleep peacefully. A comfortable sleep—[Sleep]… Oh, one of them resisted."

Five of them fell asleep while one guard managed to successfully resist it. It didn't look like it had no effect at all, but he was quite gutsy with how he stabbed a knife into his thigh to keep himself awake.

"A-a-anomaly detected! An intruder—[First Aid]! Wake up, hey! We're being attacked!"

Oops, I was found out. Since I'd been discovered, I showed myself and entered the room. My face was changed beforehand, so I didn't really mind being seen.

The guard was trying to kick awake his colleague who had fallen asleep after healing his leg, but he reacted to me and thrusted his spear at me.

"Who are you?! How did you get in here?!"

"Would an intruder answer that? Well, I did come in through the front door. Unless that iron-barred door isn't the back door?"

I gathered my magical power once again while teasing him and watching him thrust his spear at me. Oh, he was aiming to kill and went for my neck. I dodged slightly further away and cast [Sleep] on him again.

"Come on, you should sleep too—[Sleep], [Sleep], [Sleep]… Oh, he's finally asleep."

"Ugh, g-g-guh…"

After casting [Sleep] three more times, the guard finally fell asleep. You did your best, Oyasumi Nasai.

And so I'd managed to seize control of the central power room. Time to claim my reward.

I gulped down a mana potion to recover.

I then looked to the six men lying on the floor. They could also be considered rewards.

… But, even as information sources, six was probably too many. I would leave the guard who saw my face, since with me planning to change my face after that he'd surely throw off the investigation.

I put the five of them in Narikin's [Storage] and finally face the power source.

When I peeked through the window to the power reactor, there was a nightcap emitting a divine light.

No doubt, it was the [Divine Nightcap]. I could tell. All I needed to do was open the lid of the power reactor and take it out.

Fortunately, I knew its structure thanks to Nerune. The procedure to open went like—that, OK, success. Preliminary investigations really are important, aren't they?

I used the spear on the ground to hook the nightcap and pull it out of the reactor.

With a spark like a shorted-out plug, the lights in the room went out. It seemed that even the facility's lights were powered by the nightcap.

It went dim for a moment, but perhaps due to the place's nature as a dungeon, it soon stopped feeling dark.

Everything was going smoothly. All I had to do next was destroy this thing.

I raised my hand toward the now-empty power reactor—

"[Elemental Burst]—hmm?"

A beam of light hit the power reactor—but was repelled. Impressive.

It was no wonder, considering it was containing a divine artifact, it was quite sturdy. Or maybe it's that it still had divine power in it?

Next move. I poured magical power into it with [Create Golem]—hold up, it was being swallowed up without end. At that rate, I'd become the next power source! This is bad; I didn't expect this. I stopped and recovered with another mana potion.

"… So I can't destroy the reactor? Well, I guess I'll just have to destroy what's visible."

I didn't know how much destruction would be enough, but I could destroy as much as I was able. If I destroy other parts and disconnect them, I might be able to destroy the power reactor too.

I tied up the very heavily sleeping guard with a rope, carried him like a sack of rice, and threw him out of the room. I then shoot [Elemental Burst] all around the room.

The power reactor was sturdy, but the rest didn't seem to be. The magical tool became riddled with holes.

I'd managed to disconnect the power reactor. It felt like I could destroy it with [Create Golem] in this state, but since I'd gone that far, I might as well take it with me. It must be made of excellent materials if it's this durable. It was too large to fit in the [Storage], but I connected it to Soto's [Storage] dungeon and put it in there.

Once I was done with the central room, I'd move on to the next one, and then the one after that, destroying them as I went. After that, I'd make holes in the floors and ceilings and randomly shoot and destroy the giant magical tool!

Hehehe, this is getting fun. Destruction is the true duty of a hero, right? Any objections will be assessed on a case by case basis.

I smoothly proceeded with my sabotage.